better 🌶️

901 8 1

3 weeks later

"wake up y/n, come on lazy ass get up" you can feel your shoulder being shaken

"red how many times have i told you do not try to wake me up before 11am i need my beauty sleep"

"how many times have i told you stark won't allow it, and neither will i, you have to do your physio and screw your beauty sleep you do not need it you're perfect"

"i'll physio later come on get into bed we can sleep" you say with your eyes still closed

"no you won't and now come on up and at em"

"yes i will, now if you're going to be turning down a nap together at least let me nap alone" nat comes and squats by your bed leaning into your ear

"the faster you recover the faster me and you will be able to put this bed to good use but if you don't do your physio that won't happen" your eye opens slightly and you sigh and hold out your hand, nat takes it and helps you get up out of bed

"yeah i thought that might get you up"

"i hate physio it's so boring, i can walk and do everything just fine"

"y/n you fell over yesterday and just lay on the kitchen floor for hours"

"i was meant to do that have you never heard of floor time, duh"

"come on i'll walk you to medical"

"i'm not a dog romanoff i don't need walkies"

"i always wanted a pet to play with" she winks at you

"i hate you so much right now" you say sarcastically

"come on let's get you some trousers"

"i'm wearing trousers and i want to be comfy if i'm going to be stuck here on bed rest for ages im at least doing it comfy"

"you're wearing shorts"

"yeah i know cute aren't they and anyway so what bruce doesn't care i'll just be walking on a treadmill and lifting some things"

"they're so short"

"red i just told you it's bruce he couldn't care less"

"and what about me?"

"what about you" she shrugs her shoulders and looks at your shorts subtly biting her lip running her finger along the waistband

"awh is little natasha romanoff finding it hard to control herself" she rolls her eyes

"go get dressed y/l/n" you smile and take your top off now just wearing shorts and your bra

"ya know i feel fine we don't have to listen to the dr" you lift the bottom of nats shirt and put your hand on her waist tucking a hair behind her ear with the other, you can see nat wanting to give in tightening her grip on your waist band

"no no no y/n stop you need to heal" she takes a step back

"whatever you say agent romanoff" you turn around and head to the bathroom making sure to swing your hips

"such a tease" nat yells to you

"you love it"


"happy now princess" you walk out the bathroom and take a spin wearing blue joggers and a t-shirt

"uh stop right there"

"what now? i'm fully covered up you can't possibly be jealous of me showing off my elbows"

"it's not that"

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now