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the rest of the journey home was spent sleeping, everyone was tired so everyone eventually drifted off to sleep you get back to the compound and everyone just flops down on the couch

"thanks guys" you say, everyone sits up a bit

"no problem y/n"

"i can't believe you came all the way to russia just for me"

"of course we did kid, you're one of us"

"we could never have just left you alone"

"yeah this is your home now, you should be here"

"but well without her we never would've come to you, we wouldn't have even known what happened" bucky points at nat, everyone goes back to their own conversations

"what did he mean?"

"nothing don't worry"

"tell me"

"stark didn't want us to come to russia that's all"

"oh, right" you start playing with the ring on the necklace around your neck

"you were never going to just be left there okay, i would've come for you, even if i couldn't persuade everyone else, i would've come"

"you would?"

"yeah of course i would"

"but why?" nat begins to play with your necklace

"because you belong here, with me" she kisses your cheek

"i wouldn't want to be anywhere else"



"you know the other day when we were on the phone"

"i do" she rests her head on your shoulder

"you said you needed to tell me something , before steve walked in"

"i did?"

"yeah, something about a conversation with wanda" you look at the team then back and nat

"come with me" you stand up and nat does too

"we are gonna go grab some food from the kitchen anyone want anything" everyone shakes their heads, you take nats hand and lead her into the kitchen


"what's up y/n, you're worrying me" you stand in front of her and hold onto her waist

"i need you to let me talk okay, no interruptions because then i'll chicken out"


"when i was growing up i just assumed that any kind of love life was out of the question for me, i mean romance is kind of hard to come by in the red room, and i thought i didn't want it, love, and i tried so hard to not want you because i was scared because you understand me, it's you, it's all for you, everything i do, i'm not scared anymore not when i'm with you being back in the red room all i was worried about was you, all i was thinking about was you"

"what are you trying to say?"

"i'm saying you could absolutely break my heart"


"that's how i know that i love you, natasha" a smile crosses her face

"you love me?"

"i do, and you don't have to say it back or anything i know it's soon and we aren't even dating and it's complicated with everyone but i just-"

"я тебя люблю (i love you) y/n" she cups your face in her hands

"thank you for rescuing me" you rest your forehead against hers

"i'll always find you y/n"


"i promise" she holds out her pinky which she interlinks

"does this mean we have to tell the team"

"only if you want to"

"do you want to?"

"i want the world to know that you agent romanoff are my girlfriend"

"i'm your girlfriend am i?"

"of course you are you idiot"

"i never really thought of myself as a girlfriend"

"well now you are one, and i'm never leaving again" you pull her in and kiss her

"i love you"

"leave me and i'll kill you" she says which makes you laugh

"come on let's go back to the guys"


"hey guys guess what"

"what?" you ask

"starks throwing a party for you coming back and officially being an avenger y/n"

"i've never been to a party before"

"you'll love it y/n" thor puts an arm around you

"so what do you say y/n up for a party tomorrow night?" everyone looks at you

"yeah a party sounds good" everyone goes off planning for the party but you and wanda

she just pulls you in for a tight hug

"hey maximoff"

"i'm so glad you're home, you scared me so bad"

"i'm sorry witchy, i just wanted to protect you"

"well don't do it again, i can't lose any more family"

"i won't, i'm here to stay i swear"

"and and and when you and nat went into the kitchen did you tell her, tell me you told her please"

"i told her" wanda squeals

"stop this is so exciting and avengers wedding can i be the maid of honour"

"slow your role, we just became girlfriends im sure wedding bells are a bit soon"

"ugh fine but when you do get married, which you will i bagsy maid of honour"

"okay sure if-"

"when" you roll your eyes

"when me and nat get married one day you can be my maid of honour"

"that's all i needed to hear, now come on you need to look at my outfit options for tomorrow"

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now