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"banner this is y/n"

"y/n hello, my names bruce" he holds out his hand and you hesitantly shake it, tony and fury leave after saying they had things to discuss

"climb up on here for me" you sit on the medical bed

"and would you mind removing your shirt for me" you lift your shirt over your head revealing scars and bruises from previous missions

"it's going to hurt taking this out"

"see this, and this, andd this" he nods his head as you point to specific scars on your body

"i was stabbed here, shot here and well this was just an unfortunate incident with a peanut sandwich but you see my point, i think i am handle a little pain" bruce has a bit of a defeated look on his face

"well you're safe now, the avengers are a family and we protect our own and since you're an avenger now we have your back, now i have to give you some anaesthetic"

"please no" a look of fear crosses your face seeing gas mask being reminded of how they would drug you in the red room

"i have to do this, otherwise you'll feel everything"

"please" you beg now breathing heavily

"okay but here" he hands you a random stress ball


"to squeeze on, it might help" he picks up a scalpel

"you ready?"

"ready " you lean back slightly and he cuts a slit in the skin of your lower abdomen you squeeze the stress toy and he uses tweezers to take the tracker out before breaking it in 2 and putting it in a box and wave of relief hits you that you haven't felt since it was put in you when you were 10

"thank you bruce" you put your hand on his shoulder

"i just have to sew this up okay which is going to hurt real bad" you nod your head and close your eyes as he sews your wound

"banner, i'm here to collect y/n" romanoff walks in and immediately stops when she sees you in just your bra and looks to the ground

why does she have to be practically naked and why is she so toned fuck

"thanks red i really try in the gym oh and i'm in a bra because i'm kind of having a bit of an operation right now"

"don't read my thoughts"

"i wasn't trying to, your thoughts are just very loud"

"i'm all finished here" bruce says putting a bandage over the wound and handing you back your shirt , you put it on and walk up to romanoff

"come see me tomorrow okay, and no strenuous activity or you'll tear the stitches which includes intercourse you can't have intercourse for 2 weeks"
you lean into romanoffs ear whilst walking pst and whisper

"sorry red don't look too disappointed" she rolls her eyes and you both walk out

"you need to meet the team" she says sternly, power walking down the corridor

"god you're so uptight you really need to take a chill pill дорогой (sweetheart)" she stops in her track and turns to you

"don't call me that"

"oh shit i forgot of course you speak russian дорогой you're a red room girl" you see the anger behind her eyes "now come on i thought i had to meet the team"
she huffs and walks you into the living room

"guys this is y/n" she says abruptly and then leaves

"well seems like you've made a good impression with her" a tall blonde man says before walking up to you "i'm steve rodgers" he shake his hand and he goes to sit down

"this is bucky, sam, clint, thor and i believe you have met wanda" you nod your head and she taps the empty seat on the sofa next to her and you go take a seat

"so we hear you're like wanda but can shapeshift too"

"yeah" you expect lodes of interrogative questions and for them to judge you but instead everyone just goes back to their own conversations

"they're not judgemental, they get it, everyone here has something special about them so you don't have to feel alone here" she puts her hand on your knee in a comforting manner

"i asked tony to put you in the room next to me, i share a floor with nat, the guys are all elsewhere so you don't have to put up with them gawping at you when you're in your pjs"

"thanks wanda"

"come on i'll show you to your room" you both stand up and she leads you over to the elevator that takes you up to your floor

"here we go" wanda opens the door and there's a huge room with massive windows overlooking the city and a balcony too

"you're kidding me" you go stand over by the window

"i know, new york's so pretty at night i could look at it forever"

"i've never had one before"

"your own room"

"my own bed" wanda puts a hand on your shoulder

"you're gonna like it here y/n, now i'll leave you be to let you settle, but i'm right next door if you need me and nat is across the hallway right opposite you" you nod your head and she leaves you flop down on the bed and think about how different your life was this morning, you didn't even realise how tired you were and you just drifted off asleep until you're woken up by crying and talking you get up and open your door only to realise it's coming from nats room so you walk over and knock on the door

"romanoff? can i come in" no response so you just open the door, she's asleep having a nightmare

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