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"if you're not ready y/n we can talk to tony"

"romanoff i've had these powers for 8 years i know how to use them, and wanda knows how to use hers it's perfectly safe"

"but what if-"

"banner gave me the go ahead, stark and bruce just want to see what i can do, if they like it they want me to use my powers on missions like wanda"

"is that what you want?"

"i spent years seeing these powers as a curse, i'd use them to hurt people, but now i have a chance to use them for good, to help people" nat sighs and tucks a loose hair behind your ear

"i just don't want you to get hurt"

"and i won't, now come on you promised steve you'd go with him to the store and i have to go meet wanda tony and bruce" nat kisses your cheek before standing up

"come find me when you're done?"

"i will i promise" she smiles and walks away, you smile too and head down to the training room, it's a large empty room with a spectators window at the side


"y/n you and wanda will be in there you just do as she says, we want to see what you can do and how you control it, we will be just there, if you ever want to stop just let wanda know and we will stop" you nod and stark and banner head into the observation room

"okay y/n you ready?"


"can you do this for me" she creates an energy ball and you do the same

"perfect, now put it out" you put it out

"move this cup over there with your magic" you use your powers to move a cup to the other side of the room

"and can you put a thought into my mind for me"

"this is so boringggg"  you put into her head

"can you shapeshift into tony for me?"

"sure" you shapeshift then turn back into yourself

"that's incredible"


"can you lift me in the air with your powers"

"you sure i do t want to hurt you?"

"yeah" you lift her into the air then gently put her down, before tony and bruce walk in

"y/n your control is perfect"

"i trained it a lot in the red room"

"look y/n now we know you're in control we should let you know we actually had ulterior motives here"

"what motives?"

"there's a mission, a dangerous one a huge human trafficking ring, we always wanted to send wanda to dismantle it but we couldn't send her alone and none of the other avengers are strong enough to go against the leaders, but now there's you"


"we want to send you, wanda and steve to moscow on a covert operation, in and out"

"why steve if you said he's not strong enough?"

"you and wanda will be taking out as many men as you can, rodgers will be there getting as many girls out as he can"

"girls? jesus how old are they"

"they range from 4-18 from what we have heard, but it's up to you if you decide to go, we trust you"

"i'll go" you say not even having to think it over

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