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"hey banner, i was told you wanted to see me"

"yeah take a seat" you sit down in front of of him

"how're the stitches?"


"you been staying away from hardcore exercise?"


"have you at least stayed away from inter course"


"y/n you're joking"

"sorry banner but i'm fine"

"let me see"

"what no it's fine"

"lift" you roll your eyes

"the shirt y/n let me see" you reluctantly lift your shirt to reveal your stitches which have clearly gotten infected

"you idiot why didn't you come see me"

"i'll be fine"

"this is infection, it could lead to sepsis which could kill you"

"you're being so dramatic"

"okay let me do this then" he puts on some gloves and touches the skin around the stitches and you can't help but wince

"see that's karma now this is going to hurt okay" he wipes the area with antibac and hands you antibiotics

"take these 2 times a day, no exceptions and y/n no intercourse, you can do light exercise nothing excessive and this time i'll be telling the team so if anyone sees you doing either ill be told your training session with wanda tomorrow is cancelled" you nod your head

"can i go now?"

"actually y/n"


"as important as your physical health is your mental health is just as important, now if you're struggling we can-"

"i'm fine"

"just let me talk"

"i hear you're struggling to sleep"


"i can give you tablets that can help"

"to help me sleep"

"they're safe, and prescribed"


"are you experiencing and depression, anxiety?"

"isn't everyone?"

"i'm going to write you a prescription for anti-depressants, you don't have to take them but they're there if you do okay"


"it's getting late, you should get some rest, and y/n i need to go start taking care of yourself, if you ever want to go on missions you'll need my go ahead so i need to see you improving physically and change that bandage every day, change it before you go to bed"

"goodnight bruce"

"goodnight y/n, sleep well" you take the prescriptions and head upstairs to your room


you wait 4 hours trying to sleep, everyone else else was asleep but you couldn't so you decided to do the one thing you knew you could and you headed to the gym, there was a space attached to it, you looked for nats locker and pulled out her ballet slippers

same size shoe, who would've known

you put on nats slippers and begin to practice over your ballet technique you figured since it wasn't a hardcore workout bruce would allow it, you continue to dance for an hour until you hear something, scared you create a ball of energy in your hands

"who's there"

"y/n i'm sorry it's just me, i didn't mean to disturb you i just, you weren't in your room so i figured you'd be here"

"how long you been stood there"

"about 20 minutes, you're a beautiful dancer"


"should you be dancing right now?"

"i dont need a babysitter red, it's just ballet" you snap just wanting to be left alone

"look i know you're on edge and i know seeing Kraters really thrown you but that doesn't give you an excuse to take it out on me"

"you don't get it romanoff!"

"so help me understand"

"you left, you got out, you have no idea what it was like"

"i have no idea what it was like?"

"i was a pawn in their sick little game for 19 years, i had to kill my friends, i lost everything, i had nothing, i was nothing i am a weapon to them"

"you're forgetting i was there too"

"you weren't like me, you don't know what it's like to be ripped apart, injected and drugged for years and having these abilities forced upon you that you never asked for, and even now i'm out they still own me i'll never walk the streets alone, i'll never get married i'll never have kids i'm just as alone as i've always been"

"i lost a lot too okay"

"whatever romanoff, just leave me alone"

"i can't have kids either y/n, i don't get the luxury of freedom, i'm only in the avengers because barton took a chance on me, they took my childhood, i am nothing without the avengers okay, nothing" you see a tear fall down nats cheek and immediately regret everything you said

"red im sorry i-"

"just forget it" she walks off before you can say anything else

shit y/n why'd you do that


"nat can we talk" you go upstairs to her room

"go away"

"please, i'm really sorry, i'm just stressed and scared right now i didn't mean to take it out on you"

"i told you to leave me alone" she gets up and shuts the door in your face so you decide to just go and lay in your bed, you look over at the sleeping tablets bruce gave to you and decide to take one decided there was no harm in trying

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now