stark party

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you follow the noise and find yourselves at the top of the stairs looking down at the party there's at least 300 hundred people

"do parties usually have so many people?"

"stark parties sure do now come on it's not so bad, let's go and get you a drink" she grabs your hand and you walk down the stairs together hand in hand towards the bar

-nats pov-

you're caught in a conversation between stark and some business guy called todd who wants to use the avengers for his own little mission but your eyes are immediately drawn to the stairs where you see y/n in a short black dress looking perfect

"i didn't realise maximoff and y/n were so close" todd says

"they are very close, always having movie nights those two, can barely pry them apart" you see them walk over to the bar

"so anyway, agent romanoff i-"

"excuse me for one moment" you walk away to the bar disregarding the conversation

"red hey i thought you were" you pull her in and kiss her in front of everyone putting your hand on the back of her head and the other on her upper thigh

"romanoff what're you doing" she whispers confused

"just want to make sure everyone knows who you belong to" you say walking behind y/n putting your hands around her waist

"you get your girl nat" wanda says grabbing her drink and walking away but not before winking at
y/n and tapping your shoulder

-y/n pov-

nat comes and sits on the barstool in front of you she's wearing black trousers and blazer and a white shirt with a few buttons undone, her hair loose flowing past her shoulders

"you scrub up well romanoff"

"i try" she smiles and looks you up and down

"you like my dress, well it's wandas she's letting me borrow it"

"it's very short"

"tell me about it"

"well it doesn't matter if people stare because hopefully now they've got the right idea of who you belong to"

"oh i belong to you do i?"

"yes you do y/l/n, you're mine" she puts her hand on your knee and then uses her other hand to get the bartender over

"what can i get for you pretty ladies"

"i'll take a scotch and my girlfriend here will have.." his smile fades

"i'll take a whisky, neat" he walks away to makes your drinks before bringing them over

"so who was the guy?"

"the guy?"

"the one tony wanted to introduce you to"

"oh uhm burt? kurt? john i don't know"

"paying a lot of attention then"

"well i would've been but then i saw you walking down the stairs, how's a girl meant to focus's when you're there in that tiny dress" she looks down at the end of your dress

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now