see you later

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you wake up at 8am with natasha head laying on your chest your arm wrapped around her and her arm draped over you, you begin stroking her hair trying not to wake her up

"morning" she says in a raspy voice eyes still closed

"good morning red" you kiss her forehead, still stroking her hair

"i can't believe i have to sleep by myself whilst you're gone, what if the nightmares come back?"

"you haven't had the nightmare since i've been home from hospital and i haven't been changed your dreams"

"but you've been here, physically"

"i know and i'm sorry дорогой (sweetheart)"

"y/n, change of plans we have to leave in 20mimutes" wanda opens your door without knocking


"we are leaving in 20 minutes come on get dressed, also sorry for interrupting, i have to go pack"

"why haven't you packed already"

"because i thought we were leaving later" she rushes off back to her room

"i should get ready"

"i thought i'd have all day with you"

"i have to shower, if you're sad you can't spend time with me you could join me?" a small smile crosses her face

"thought that might cheer you up, come on, i'll wash your hair"

you have a shower with nat washing one another's hair and trying to just enjoy eachothers company as much as you could, you eventually get out the shower changing into a pair of joggers and one of nats hoodies

"hey that's mine"

"just let me take it pleaseee" you beg

"fine you can take it" you pick up your bag

"walk me to the door?"

"of course i will" she stands up walking up to you, she holds onto your waste and just looks at you

"are you okay? is there something on my face?"

"no nothing i'm just thinking"

"try not to worry okay, i know it's hard but i'll be okay, you're forgetting i'm like a super hot, cool woman with magic powers"

"i feel like being hot isn't going to save your life"

"no? stopped you killing me when we met"

"that's true"

"now come on i don't want to be late"

"okay fine but i'm still not happy you're going"

"i know i know" you kiss her forehead then her cheek then her lips "we can continue this when i'm home okay" she nods and takes your hand, you both walk downstairs

"you guys ready to go" steve says, yours wandas and his bags in hand

"ready" wanda says walking up to steve

"y/n you ready?"

"i'm ready i'll be out in just a second" they both nod and head out to the car to go to the airport

"just a week" you cup nats face in your hands

"just a week" you hear the driver honking outside

"i'm sorry red i really have to go" you kiss her and quickly head to the door

"just come home okay"

"i promise, i'll see you later" you walk out and get in the car


"so are you guys together now or what?" steve asks


"you and romanoff"

"what about me and romanoff"

"is she your girlfriend yet" wanda asks

"no she's not my girlfriend"

"what why not? you totally belong together"

"it's complicated"

"you like her she likes you ask her out"

"well i'm a big busy right now trying to take down a massive organisation so it's probably not the best time"

"if we get out of this alive promise you'll ask her out"

"i'm not promising that, she might not be ready for a relationship and i might not either ya know i'm only just free i don't know what i want, everything's just complicated"

"romanoff likes you a lot" steve adds

"how would you know"

"she hates physical touch, always has refuses to even high five any of us, i haven't hugged the girl in the many years i've known her"


"when you walk in a room together it's holding hands, when you sit down her hands on your knee, when you're cooking she hugs you from behind, the girl is hooked y/n"

"did you just say hooked" you can't help but smirk

"shit up peter told me it's what i should say"

"righttt, anyway can we move on now, maybe onto the super dangerous mission"

"it's not hard you two go all witchy pew pew powers and i get all those girls out of there"

you sit for a while in the car just talking through ideas and theories until you arrive at the airport, you get on the jet and sleep the flight off until you arrive in moscow, you all head to the hotel you'd been set up in right opposite the building block where the organisations held the girls before transport

"shit it's huge" you say staring up at the building

"15 floors"


"how many men in each floor?"


"jesus christ nat was right this is a fucking suicide mission" you say heading into the hotel


"we have a booking for harpe " steve says, using the fake name you'd been given for the booking

"rooms 105 and 106" the man holds out the key

"stark couldn't even splurge for 3 rooms"

"come on you get to share with me" wanda interlinks her arm

"remember girls this is a mission not a big sleepover"

"whatever blondie, let's go unpack our bags" you all head upstairs, you sit on the bed looking out the window

"you okay?" wanda asks

"just thinking about the girls, they must be so scared right now"

"we just have to wait for the perfect time to infiltrate okay"

"what happens to them after they get out? where do they go"

"fury will try to find their parents, if not care homes i suppose"

"poor girls" she puts her arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a side hug

"we are doing good here, now come on unpack your stuff we can order room service and then we can work on surveillance and by that i mean staring out the window until we fall asleep"

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