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it's been 4 hours and you've been sat in the cell alone with nothing to do to the point where you just sit on the floor

"stark, tony stark, right i've been all caught up here and now i'm gonna need you to start talking kid" a tall brunette man walks in but you don't say anything

"what were you doing in those flats?" you still don't respond

"fine whatever don't wanna talk that's fine i'll just grab wanda" he talks over his comms and soon enough a shorter red haired girl walks in looking confused

"wanda this is, well we don't know, we don't know anything about her so ya know work your magic and tell me what you find" wanda slowly walk up to the glass and sits by it staring at you intently before looking at tony confused

"what?" he asks

"i can't read her, she has a block on her mind im sorry there's nothing i can do"

"you have got to be kidding me" he huffs

"go get me romanoff, she seemed to have no issue getting the girl to talk before" wanda nods and goes out the room

"stark what do you want i'm busy" romanoff walks back in

"talk to her"


"get her to talk, clear your calendar for the day this is your job now, i have a meeting with fury but when i'm back you'd better have something for me" he leaves and she pulls up a chair

"seriously" you shrug your shoulders

"just tell me your name" she looks angry and frustrated

"y/n" nat hears in her head she suddenly stands up

"what how did you-?" you just smirk at her

"well well who knew little miss snarky had a gift"

"hardly a gift"

"so other than putting thoughts into peoples heads and killing people what else can you do"

"i've been told i'm quite good in bed" you smile

"don't be cocky"

"you love it"

"i really don't"

"i read your mind, and uh yeah you really do"

"mind reading, you're fucking kidding"

"can you let me the fuck out now i've answered your questions"

"we weren't letting you go before and you think we're going to let you go now that we know what you can do, dream on, thanks for your cooperation though" she gets up and you're left alone once again

- about 10 minutes later -

"y/n?" you look up and see wanda in front of you

"what do you want"

"just to talk i watched on security footage what happened with natasha"

"i'm not feeling too chatty right now"

"i know how you feel"

"how could you possibly kno-" she uses her fingers to create a red source of energy

"you can-?"

"can you do that?" you nod your head

"can you show me?" she sits on the other side of the glass and you do the same as her except yours is a blue colour

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now