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"hey red wake up you're having a nightmare" you slowly approach her, she's shaking so you put the duvet that's fallen up to cover her and tap her shoulder

"romanoff come on it's okay" suddenly she sits up panting unable to breathe having a panic attack

"hey calm down it's okay" you grab a glass from her nightstand and fill it with water handing it to her

"here drink this and breathe just in and out slowly, try to control your breathing" you place on hand on her shoulder and you rub her back with the other

"it's all okay" nats breathing regulates again and she looks down embarrassed

"you can leave now" she says sternly

"are you okay?"

"i'm fine now get out" you stand up and go to walk out but turn around just before you leave

"i get them too sometimes, the nightmares, if you ever want to talk you know where i am"

"don't tell anyone"

"i wouldn't ever do that red, now go to sleep" you shut the door behind you and head to your room, it's about 3 am at this point and you know you won't get back to sleep so you decide to get changed and put on some clothes to head down to the gym in


damn they got some boujii exercise equipment in here

"cool right" you practically jump out of your skin not expecting anyone else to be in there you were so scared you hadn't even noticed the blue energy you were holding in your hands

"steve you scared me there" you look down and close your fists

"it's okay didn't mean to frighten you, good defence system you got there"

"i guess, what're you doing here it's like 3:30"

"i don't really sleep well, you?"

"just a bit on edge with this whole someone coming to break in and take me back to russia thing"

"you're safe here"

"so i've heard"

"so what's your vice" he asks looking around

"you box?" you ask him

"combat girl, you and nat really are one in the same"

"we did get trained by the same people i suppose"

"well i don't box really i'm more of a weights person, you really should spar with romanoff sometime, in the meantime you wanna run? lift? row?"

"lifting competition?"

"well i'll never say no to a bit of competition kid, although i will warn you i was genetically modified so i am at a bit of an advantage here"

"you're on rodgers" you smile and both begin deadlifting until you get to a weight so heavy you can't lift, steve struggles and barely manages to lift it but does

"i must admit kid, you're good, i've never met anyone who can practically out lift me before"

"thanks blondie" you smile and high five

"i'm gonna go cool off on a swim, wanna join?"

"yeah" he hands you a swimming costume out of a locker they keep in the swimming area and you get changed then do a few laps together until you're exhausted

"we should probably grab some breakfast, everyone else will be waking up soon and i want the last few coco pops before bucky eats them all again" you smile and get out the pool

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