pre release

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                                       -nats pov-

you wake with your head resting on your/ns chest listening to the sound of her heartbeat, you wake up up before her of course, you'd usually wake her up but she looks so peaceful you just can't bring yourself to do it so you decide to get out of bed and head next door

knock knock

"come in"  you walk in arms crossed

"hey wanda can we talk"

"yeah nat of course" you lean on her desk

"i uhm i just wanted to say i'm sorry to you"

"you really don't have to do that"

"no i do, i just, seeing you with your/n i got scared she'd get bored of me and be with you instead"

"you're such an idiot"

"i know"

"y/n adores you nat, clearly you guys made up i know they are her shorts and her favourite t-shirt, she would never leave you and as for me and her we are like sisters that's all"

"we said i love you last night" you say looking up seeing a huge grin cross wandas face

"you said what!"

"it just came out she was angry and then it just slipped out and then i said it back, we were stood in the pouring rain, it was perfect"

"that's the cutest thing i've ever heard"

"it gets better!"

"omg spill romanoff spill right now" she lifts her covers and you climb in explaining everything that happened last night

"and she set up a press release she wants to announce our relationship publicly"

"stop that's so romantic i am so happy for you"

"thanks wanda, i just can't believe i flirted with maria last night, when i had y/n the whole time"

"that doesnt matter anymore all that matters is you two, where is y/n anyways?"

"she's still asleep, i'm gonna go make us some breakfast and take her breakfast in bed as an apology for last night"

"who knew you were such a romantic"

"shut up i am not"

"you so are, now go make your girlfriend breakfast" you smile at her and head downstairs to make breakfast you cook up some waffles and make her a coffee before taking it upstairs you walk into her room and she's still fast asleep, you set down the food and coffee on her bedside table and climb back into bed, you kiss her shoulder and then her cheek you feel her stir awake

"good morning принцесса (princess)"

"well good morning to you too red" she turns to you slightly opening her eyes she kisses your lips softly

"i made you breakfast" you tilts your head making her look towards her bedside table

"i could get used to this"  she takes a sip of her coffee and pics a bit of her waffles off and puts the fork near me

"no y/n i made it for you"

"and i want to share my breakfast with my girlfriend" she insists, you take the bite and she smiles, you spend the next 10 minutes sharing the waffles before laying back down you both just lay facing towards eachother wrapped together in a hug like manor, she's stroking your hair and you're drawing lines on her skin

"i wish we could just stay like this forever" you say

"me too red, but we have a press conference in 2 hours remember"

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