civil war

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you and wanda try to use your powers as little as possible in the fight, not wanting to hurt anyone after all they're still your family you are mid combat fighting with vision when you see steve and nat fighting to your left he throws her across the runway into storage units and you can't help but use your magic to ease her landing she looks around confused before making eye contact you can't help but smile after not seeing her in so long  until you get punched right in the face and snap out of it

"y/n i don't wish to hurt you"

"i wouldn't worry about it vision" you use your powers to send vision flying into a pile of boxes before running with wanda and steve towards the plane

"where's clint scott and bucky" you yell

"they said they'd hold off the guys, most important thing is we get you two on that plane"

"but-" wanda questions

"please don't fight us on this guys, we will come back for them right now you're our priority they agreed if something like this happened we'd get you out first" you hesitantly agree and approach the plane before t'challa stands in front of you

"i'm sorry but i can't let you get on that pla-" before he can say anything else he's electrocuted and falls to the ground

"nat!" steve says confused

"get on that plane i'll hold down the fort" they nod steve and wanda get onto the plane but you hang back

"you too, you have to go"

"natasha" you reach for her hand but she pulls it away looking down

"y/n please before it's too late" her eyes begin to water you hold her face in your hands

"come with us"

"i can't"

"please natasha i am begging you these past few months have been hell i can't eat i can't sleep, i need you"


"you're going to be on the run now too romanoff you just took that guy out you betrayed the accords, so why not be on the run with me, i love you, please i need you, why be alone when you could be with family" you take her hands, you can hear everyone behind you approaching

"y/n come on we have to go" steve yells, you look to nat trying to find an answer

"i don't think i-"

"if you stay here i'm staying here"

"you can't do that they'll put you in a cell, don't be stupid get on the plane"

"steve you go, take wanda, i'm not going anywhere without romanoff im not leaving her again" steve looks at you concerned and then looks at nat pleadingly

"you're crazy" she smiles you run up onto the plane holding onto nats hand you both sit down, steve flies the plane and wanda goes for a nap in the back leaving the two of you alone at last

"thank god it's over" you say sighing a sense of relief

"i'm so sorry i left you there if i had any idea what it was like i would've gotten you out" nat says almost stressed

"it wasn't all bad i had wanda and we could still cook for ourselves and everything the worst part was just not seeing you" nat comes and sits next to you she rests her head on your shoulder you wrap her in your arms grateful to have her back even if you are now on the run

"never leave me again y/n"

"i don't plan on it" you kiss her forehead

"where are we going anyway"

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now