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"y/n, sweetheart wake up" you feel your hair being stroked

"red? what's wrong?"

"nothings wrong, tony has called a meeting we all have to be there apparently it's important, if you don't feel up for it i can cover for you"

"no it's okay i want to be there" she smiles, you stand up out of bed, nat puts her arm around your waist and pulls you if for a quick kiss before taking your hand and walking to the meeting room everyone's already sat, you and nat go and take the last 2 seats when you realise tony is also sat with you rather than at the front

"tony what's this about?" he shrugs his shoulders

"my name is Thaddeus Ross, i'm here because there has been concern about the avengers, i need you all to keep your questions until the end, the sokovia accords, approved by 117 countries states that the avengers shall no longer be a private organisation instead they'll operate under the supervision of a united nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary. For the past 4 years you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision that's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate not with the new additions of the team, the enhanced individuals must be placed in a safe house just until we decide what the best course of action is" you and wanda look at eachother scared

"i just need you all to sign here agreeing"

"what the fuck no!" clint says standing up
"i'm not signing that" nat agrees
"yeah not happening wanda and y/n are safe here their powers are controlled"

the team all jump to yours and wandas defence but you both just sit there silently reading the accords that go into lengthy discussion about how you're dangerous weapons

"if you do not sign the accords we will be forced to detain maximoff and y/l/n in a place that is not as nice as a safe house and the avengers will be disbanded"

"but what if people need our help"

"if you want to continue helping the people of the world i expect a signature, i will leave this with you, you have 2 days, if not signed by then we will have no choice but to make good on our promise" ross walks out the room

"guys i think we have to sign" tony starts off

"tony what the hell, what if people need our help and the UN won't let us help, not to mention y/n and wanda they're basically kids"

"they aren't children they're adults and the safe house is hardly a jail sentence there's 3 pools, a cinema room , a state of the art gym i can go on"

"i think how we stay together isn't important, if the accords mean we can all stay together i agree with tony we have to sign" nat says refusing to look up at you or wanda

"it seems me and wanda have little control over any of this, sign it don't sign it i don't care just leave me out of it" you stand up to walk out

"me too" wanda stands up taking your hand you both walk out, walking down the corridor you can hear back and forth arguments coming from the meeting room until you reach wandas room you shut the door and both just lay down on her bed

"just as stuff was starting to settle down around here"

"what do you thinks gonna happen?"

"the team is split now no matter what happens with the accords nat, tony peter, rhodey and vision all want to sign"

"there's still hope, scott, clint and steve they don't want to sign"

"is that hope? if the team don't sign then we are forced to live in cells, people will never not see us as threats "

"we have to sign them don't we"

"yeah i think we do, i just can't believe nat was so willing to give up like that, and not even look me in the eyes  when she did it"

"vision too" you and wanda both sit up

"guess we should go tell the team then"

"yeah i guess" you walk downstairs slowly and hear everyone still arguing loudly yelling at eachother, so bad that when you walk in nobody even notices

"guys stop!" you yell loudly everyone stops looking at you both

"me and y/n have made a decision, we are going to sign the accords"

"what, but why would you? if you sign them you're basicaly agreeing with the UN that you're uncontrollable weapons" steve asks confused

"our whole lives that is what we have been, if we don't sign we end up in cells, at least this way the team can stay together"

"we'd never let them put you in cells girls" clint says

"we just can't risk it, thank you for trying to protect us but we have to do this, you guys are the closest thing to family i've ever had you can't let the team be disbanded"

"sweetheart are you sure about this?" nat asks

"i'm sure agent romanoff" you say coldly she looks down wanda knows it must've been hard doing that so she places a hand on your shoulder, you lean down grabbing a random pen and sign the accords as does wanda. nat, tony, peter, vision and rhodey

"come on guys, this is going to happen either way, you either join in and be part of it or have it happen to you" tony says looking at steve, clint and scott

"sorry, but i can't, we can't, y/n wanda i know you may think this is the right thing but it's not, we could figure out a third option" steve looks at you trying to convince you

"we appreciate you guys, we really do, but please just sign, we don't want anymore trouble"

"sorry guys but we just can't" steve clint and scott all walk out the room hugging you and wanda as they go

"you girls did the right thing" tony says putting on half a smile for you and wanda

"wanda may we talk?" vision asks

"sorry vision but i have nothing to say to you"

"come on wanda let's go, we have to start packing" you and wanda walk up to your rooms to start packing your things

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