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"blackbirds singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise" you quietly sing along to the radio

"the Beatles huh" you turn your head to see nat looking at you with tired eyes

"hey you're meant to be asleep"

"i was but then you woke me up"


"don't be, i love the beatles"

"you do?"

"how could i not, but hey don't stop in my accord"

"i am not singing for you romanoff"

"why not"

"because that's embarrassing"

"you're good, pleaseee sing"

"you're so bossy anyone ever told you that"

"once or twice" she smirks at you, you put a hand on her thigh and rub it with your thumb

"blackbirds singing in the dead of night take these sunken eyes and learn to see all your life" nat sings quietly looking at you you smile

"you were only waiting for this moment to be free blackbird fly blackbird fly into the light of the dark black night" you both sing hand in hand

you drive for a few more hours mostly in comfortable silence with a few songs being sung ever now and again

"ugh are we there yet"

"you're so impatient red, like a small toddler"

"shut up i am not"

"are too"

"nuh uh"

"you're proving my point here romanoff" she crosses her arms

"you're so annoying"

"whatever can you save your little temper tantrum a few minutes because we are here" you pull up the car and switch off the engine nat looks out the window at the surroundings

"we are where exactly?"

"yelenas place"

"don't get cocky, i don't understand though why would yelena come here?" you get out of the car and go to open nats door she takes you hand and gets out the car you both look up to a block of rundown flats

"i know they seem rough and run down but inside they're actually really nice"

"doesn't explain it though why would she come here? why are you so sure this is where she came"

"when we were back in the red room we had a mission together right here took out some business men she fell in love with the flat always said if she ever got out this is where she'd go, we talked about living here together after escaping" nat looks down

"i can't believe i just left her there i was living the life she dreamt about"

"it's not your fault nat, and we don't have to go up there if you aren't ready we can sleep on it, find a hotel, we can do this whenever you're ready" you put a hand on her back and the other on her cheek

"no i have to do this, if i don't now i never will"

"i'll be right with you the whole time" you offer out your hand and she takes it you head inside and begin walking up the stairs until you reach the top floor


"well this is it i suppose" you and nat stand in front of door number 23

"my lucky number, she always thought it was a sign or something that we were supposed to live here"

"so what do we just knock of something?"

"i guess" you both look at each other and shrug before knocking on the door

"who is it?!" you hear yelled

"yelena it's me it's y/n!" you yell back suddenly you hear rushing to the door before it unlocks and swings open at first a smile crosses her face before looking over and seeing g it drop when she sees nat she goes to slam the door but you put your foot in the way

"come on yelena don't be like that we just wanna talk" you hear a huffing and the door swing back open, you and nat walk in

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