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"krater" he looks up and a sinister grin crosses his face

"well well well look who it is"

"you shouldn't have come here"

"ah sorry тигр (tiger)"

"don't call me that"

"you've made dreykov a very angry man little one"

"he has other widows he doesn't need me"

"he owns you, you belong to me, to him and we both know you're more special than those other little widows"

"i belong to nobody"

"the tattoo behind your neck says different, 3245"

"3245?" tony asks

"doesn't your new daddy know тигр (tiger)?"

"know what?"

"dreykov brands his widows y/n here is number 3245 she always hated that tattoo so much so that she-"

"stop it krater!"

"ah sweetheart you always did have a temper"

"i'm not your seeetheart"

"daddy, that's what you called me and now look at you, disrespecting me, i raised you, you're my special girl"

"you're not my dad, no dad would do what you made me do, you took away my life"

"i believe that was dreykov and anyway you need to come back enough of this zap me out of here and we will be on our merry little way"

"i'm not coming back to russia"

"i believe you are"

"you're in a cell and i'm free"

"you'll never be free y/n as long as you live, as long as the red room exists we will keep coming for you, you will never walk the streets without us knowing, every trip to the store, walk in the park we will be there and one of these days you'll be alone and vulnerable and we will take you back, i'm just the drop in the bucket you have no idea what you're messing with right now, you're dreykovs favourite weapon do you really think he'd just let you go" a tear rolls down your cheek

"you always were too emotional"

"i hope you rot in this cell, you will never see the light of day again, no vulnerable little girl will ever be so confused as to see you as anything but what you are, a pathetic little man who gets a kick out of abusing people who could never fight back but guess what i'm not that girl anymore, i see you for who you are i will not be manipulated again"

you storm out and run into your bedroom upstairs where you breakdown in tears, you break down crying

-knock knock-

"can i come in" you don't have it in you to respond you just sit against your wall holding your knees and crying when the door opens, you feel a strong embrace that could only be from steve

"tony caught me up, you did good kid, you did really good" you lean into him and continue to cry as he strokes your hair and your arm

you spend a while like that

"what he said was true"

"what did he say?"

" i will never be free" you look up to see a sad expression on steve's face

"you'll be safe"

"i know i'm safe here but not out there, out there i'll always be looking over my shoulder, they'll never leave me alone"

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