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you and wanda are sat by the window, you don't see much for hours just a few men going in and out when there's a knock at your door

"girls it's me can i come in"

"yeah it's unlocked come in" he walks in

"see anything?"

"no, people look tired, i thin the best time for us to go in has to be at night, but rodgers i have an idea"

"what's your idea"

"if we just attack there's a chance the girls will get caught in the cross fire, what if over the next 2 night we gradually get as many girls out as we can, the guards seem tired we can take them out quietly and quickly, the lower floors have less guards at night it seems, i guess that's where the least at risk of escaping girls are, we can work our way up"

"how do we get in stealthily?"

"all we need is to take out one guard"


"i can shapeshift into that guard, work around the floor people won't suspect anything then i can use my magic out the guard to sleep temporarily they'll wake up, won't remember a thing, then you 2 can just walk in and we can get the girls out"

"that could actually work, but security will just get stronger for the floors above the next night"

"and we will be ready for it"

"so we are doing this?" wanda asks and you look at rodgers who nods

"you guys ready to go?" you and wanda both stand up and take a deep breathe

"let's go"


you walk over the the building as stealthily as possible, steve knocks out the guard blocking the entrance and you shapeshift into him

"ill cough 3 times when you can come in okay, if 20 minutes pass, something has gone wrong, go back to the hotel and think of a plan okay, with me or not you have to take this place down" they both nod

"good luck kid"

"good luck y/n"

you walk into the building and are approached by a large man

"cooper no way i didn't know you were on shift tonight" you infiltrate his mind and he immediately returns to his seat and falls asleep you continue through the hallway seeing the girls all in cages curled up, trying to focus on your mission you control all the other men on the floor until they are all in a dream like state

"girls, hey i know how scared you are but i need you to not make any noise when i do what i'm about to do i'm here to help you okay im going to get you out of here" the girls all look up at you hesitantly and you transform back into yourself you can hear a few of them start muttering scared but you couch 3 times

"i need you guys to calm down, these are my friends okay, my name is y/n this is wanda and steve, we are avengers and we are here to send you home, you're getting out of here" you throw wanda and steve some keys you found on the guards and start gradually opening the cages locks the girls hesitantly leave the cells one girl who can't be more than 6 takes a hold of your hand

"can i go home now?"

"nearly sweetheart nearly"

"are you a good guy"

"i'd like to think so" she raises her arms wanting you to pick her up so you do she rests on your hip putting her head on your shoulder

"there is 3 vans outside, they will take you to a very safe place where our people are going to try to find your families, you'll be safe there" you usher the girls outside into the vans they're all scared so you and wanda put them in a trance like state to allow the girls to all get the sleep you're sure they weren't getting in them cages

"right sweetheart you are going to stay with these girls okay" you place the young girl off your hip and put her in the van

"i'm safe?"

"you're safe" she hugs you before letting go" you wave at her and close the door of the van they drive off heading to a local hospital where the girls can be checked out

"you're great with kids"

"that? she was just scared"

"kids are great judges of character, you'd make a great mom one day" you look down at the floor and wanda realises what she said

"shit y/n i'm sorry i forgot that you can't- i mean i forgot what they did"

" it's okay wanda"


"so what do we do about these men, just let them go?" rodgers asks

"we will take them out in a few days, if we kill them now it raises even bigger alarms"  you say

"because of you those 25 girls get to go home to their families"

"we will get more vans out tomorrow okay, we will take the next 3 floors now we know this plan works" steve stands between you and wanda putting his arms around your shoulders

"we did good tonight, now let's get some sleep we have a big week ahead of us"

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