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you walk over to the building continuing with the plan for the next 2 floors, getting the girls out and into the vans until you reach the 15th floor, where all the guards are cumulated ensuring the best of the best girls with the most genetic potential are secured

"y/n are you ready?" wanda asks

"are you?" she shrugs her shoulders

"i'll try to help cover you guys as much as i can but i have to focus on the girls okay"

"thanks rodgers"

"on 3 we go in okay"

"1.... 2..... 3" you all barge in guards all point their weapons at you which wanda quickly disarms they start running at you, you're flinging as many of them as you can against walls and into one another whilst wanda does the same, rodgers occasionally covers guys coming at you from behind but you take them all out after a while of fighting, rodgers makes his way downstairs with the girls ensuring they got into the van safely and it's just you and wanda now making sure the guards are all dead

"we did it, we actually did it"

"something isn't right here wanda"

"what? but we did it the girls are all safe, these guards are all dead"

"it's too easy, somethings off"

"you always were a smart one" you hear a male voice behind you, you go to use your powers

"i wouldn't do that if i were you"

"dreykov" you gain a massive ball of energy in your hands

"uh uh uh, enough of that tiger, that's if you want your friend over there to be okay" you look over and see wanda unconscious in a tall guards arms

"let her go"

"we plan on, we even will let americas ass and those girls go"

"what do you want"

"all we want, is you"

"you never wanted the girls did you"

"look who's finally all caught up" he puts his hand on your cheek

"what's stopping me from killing you and your guards right now"

"you're forgetting one little thing"


"you can't hurt me, your brain won't let you, none of my widows can hurt me, ask romanoff she tried and she failed"

"leave her out of this"

"awh looks who's developed a little puppy love for the redhead"

"i'll come with you okay just let my friends go"

"right choice tiger" he looks at his guard who gently puts wanda on the floor and walks to stand behind you

"let's get you home, we have some memory erasing to do" you look to the ground and follow dreykov out to his car where you sit in the back with 2 guards heading back to the red room

-wandas pov-

you slowly wake up not really understanding what happened, steve walks in and immediately runs up to you

"wanda, wanda are you okay what happened" he holds out his hand and helps you up

"i i don't know one minute we were getting ready to leave the next im unconscious on the floor"

"what? where's y/n"

"y/n, y/n where are you" wanda yells


"what do you mean?" he asks

"y/n said that this all seemed too easy, that something was wrong, what if all this was just a ploy, to get her out here so they could take her"

"she would've just used her powers, she can take him easily"

"but she can't remember dreykov manipulates the brains of his widows they can't hurt him, and they had me, she went with him, to protect us"

"shit, we have to call tony" you rush back to the hotel, you call stark and steve calls fury


"what do we tell nat?" steve asks

"god i didn't even think-"

"we have to tell him right"

"i'll call her" you say


"y/n hey i was waiting for you to-"

"sorry to disappoint it's not y/n it's wanda"

"maximoff hey what's up"

"uhh i have to tell you something"

"maximoff what happened, where's y/n?" her tone of voice changes to more stern and concerned you can't help but start to cry

"it's dreykov, this was all a big ploy, he has y/n, she went with him to protect all of us"

"what! i'm on my way" shit

"rodgers we may have a situation"


"nat, she's coming to russia"

"but fury said he'd handle it"

"yeah well romanoff is coming"


"yeah my thoughts exactly"

                                        -nats pov-

"tony what the fuck"

"they called you"

"yes they called me, guess they knew you wouldn't tell me"

"i wasn't going to tell you because i know you'd want to go to russia all guns blazing"

"yes of course i have to go to russia we have to go save y/n"

"fury is putting people on it"

"stark what are you talking about, the avengers can go, we can all go, we're her best chance here"

"it's out of my hands"

"well i'm going"

"no you're not"

"you can't stop me"

"if she's going i'm going too" clint walks in followed by the other avengers

"what's going on?" sam asks

"dreykov took y/n, back to the red room, stark here says we can't go and save her because fury 'has people working on it' they won't do shit stark and you know it"

"y/n has been taken?" thor asks

"we have to go" bucky states

"guys fury will sort it i have my hands tied we just have to stay here"

"you know if this was the other way around y/n would be first to save your ass tony, she's family stark, we are all she has" -clint

"well i don't care what you or fury think i'm going, and so is clint"

"you can bet your ass i'm coming" -clint

"i'll come too" - thor

"and me" - bucky

"of course i'm joining" -sam

"we have to do it tony" - bruce

"fuck, fine whatever, but fury is going to have all of our asses"

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