perfect night

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"the end" you say finishing the story for your daughter

"another one" she begs

"not tonight sweetheart you have to get your beauty sleep we have a long day tomorrow, we have to go to america"


"yeah do you remember the team we told you about, the avengers and how your mommy's were a part of it"

"the superhero team"

"yeah the superhero team" nat says stroking riley's hair

"i remember"

"well they need us, hopefully it won't be for long and then when it's all over we can come back home, just think of it as a vacation"

"will there be icecream"

"there'd better be" you say smiling

"okay, now get some sleep we love you" you both kiss riley goodnight before heading into the kitchen


"she'll be okay right?" nat says whilst plating up the dinner you had made and setting it down on the table with some music playing in the background

"everything will be okay" you wrap your arms around her and kiss her


"no no more talk of this tonight is just about me and you capiche"


"mrs romanoff stop thinking about hypotheticals it's a waste of time"

"don't mrs romanoff me mrs romanoff" she smirks

"come on eat your food" you pull out her chair and she sits down

"so what're you gonna do about the restaurant?"

"i already messaged jace, asked if he could step up whilst i'm gone and he agreed then when we come back i can just come back like i'd never been away"

"and what about us what's next for us when we come back"

"that depends what are you thinking and i swear if it involves another building project you'll have to give me a minute because my backs not been the same since you made me build the shed"

"no not building, although i would like a greenhouse, i was more thinking, i don't know maybe we could, ya know"

"i really really don't, clue me in here"

"it's just riley is getting a bit older and i've missed having a little one in the house"

"are you saying you want another baby nat"

"i'm just suggesting it but if you dont then we don't have to"

"are you kidding me i've been dying to talk to you about having another i just didn't know if you'd be on the same page"

"really?! you're not just saying that?!"

"i want another baby romanoff i've missed it too and riley has been begging me for a little brother" you take her hand across the table

"i guess it gives us all the more reason to come back home then" just then the song forever by the beach boys plays

"oh my god our song, come on come on" you stand up eagerly and hold out your hand

"you're not really expecting me to dance right now it's been a long day and i'm not-"

"1. you did ballet professionally every single day for like 13 years and 2. you're too stiff this will probably help come on get up, don't make me drag you" nat takes your hand and stands up you pull her in wrapping your arms around her waist, she wraps hers around your neck and you sway

"if every word i said could make you laugh i'd talk forever i asked the sky just what we had it showed forever" you sing

"you're such a dork y/n"

"i don't care, what's the point of living if i can't dance in the kitchen with my beautiful wife in the most beautiful country ever every now and again"

"i love you so much y/n romanoff"

"and i love you red" she kisses you softly

"are you dancing without me?" a tired little girl wanders into the room

"Riley Alianova Romanoff what are you doing awake bambina it is way past your bedtime"

"i had a nightmare" nat let's go of you, you walk over to riley lifting her up and resting her on your hip

"wanna dance with your mommas to cheer you up" you say stroking her cheek

"can i?" nat nods and smiles, the song mammas little girl by paul McCartney and wings plays

"I LOVE THIS SONG" you and riley say in unison

"you know what riles you really are your mothers daughter" nat says smiling, you walk over to her and take her hand lifting it above her head and spinning her around you put riley on the floor and dance around the kitchen with your wife and daughter for a while before they both crash on the couch , you lift a blanket over of them kiss them both on the forehead and lay down with them eventually falling asleep aswell

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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