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the avengers all arrive at the hotel where steve and wanda are

knock knock- the door swings open

"jesus we weren't expecting everyone" steve says

"we all just want her back, but you have to explain to us exactly what happened" everyone walks in and listens as steve and wanda explain whilst everyone talks about a strategy to rescue you

"there's one key issue here guys"


"we don't know where the red room actually is"

"but we do know where y/n is" bruce adds

"what does that mean?" bruce and tony look to the floor

"what did you do?" clint asks

"when i took the tracker out of y/n we kind of added one of our own"

"you did what?!"

"what the fuck guys!"

"well good job we did now, now we can find her"

"and you have to think about it from our perspective when she first joined she was a loose cannon we just wanted to cover our backs"

"we will discuss this later, and when we get her back you're taking that thing right out, now come on and track her already" nat says angrily, bruce pulls out his laptop and pulls up the tracker

"looks like budapest"

"it's budapesht"

"whatever romanoff"

"so what are we waiting for let's go"

everyone gets up and gets driven hours and hours to budapest, only stopping every few hours for food and bathroom breaks wanting to get to you as quick as they can

                                      -y/n pov-

"come on tiger you know what time it is" 4pm ballet for 3 hours straight

"i'm tired"

"awh sorry princess you rest away" dreykov says sarcastically, you stand up leaving your cell and walking into the studio everyone looks at you shocked to see you back


"yelena hi" you're angry you're back but you're glad to see her again

"where have you been nobody told us anything we all thought you'd died"

"enough talk ladies, swan lake, you all know it" the music starts to play and you all begin to dance

"the avengers caught me i've been with them this whole time it's been great, they're great" you whisper

"the avengers?" she whispers back looking confused

"yeah, you know fighty fighty group" she shrugs her shoulders and you spend the next 3 hours repeating the same dance over and over and over

"enough." the dance instructor says before walking out of the room

"7pm time for bread and soup" yelena says

"as if i could forget" she pulls you into a side hug and you walk into the canteen area, it's just as you remembered

"so what was it like with the avengers"

"it's good, they treated me like family"

"what about their actual families?"

"a lot of them don't have them i guess, apart from clint and tony, the team became their family"

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now