stark party 2

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"guys i wanted to introduce you to y/n, y/n this is maria , i thought you could do with some more girl friends around here and you won't get better than maria, you can come join me and the guys whenever you want we will be drinking over there" you nod, steve puts his hand on your shoulder then walks over towards thor rhodey and clint

"hey y/n i've heard a lot about you"

"you have?"

"i work for shield"

"oh that's fury right?"

"yeah that's the one, so how are you finding the avengers?" she pours herself some wine and then pours you some and hands you the glass

"it's good, i think i'm finally starting to fit in around here"

"the guys all seem to love you steve talks about you like he's known you forever and you seem to have found a real sisterhood in wanda"

"they're really great, they really saved my life, ya know i never had family but now i look at those guys and i feel it" you look over at the guys then back at maria

"and i saw you and romanoff earlier" you can't help but blush

"so are you two official"

"yeah, she's my girlfriend, we were going to keep it low-key i don't know what got a hold of her earlier when she kissed me"

"i do"

"you do? what is it?i know she's been drinking but i didn't think it was that"

"when you arrived i clocked nat"


"a lot of people were looking at you, looking at you holding wandas hand"


"guess she'd rather everyone know about you two than let anyone think you were with someone else"

"i just didn't realise she cared so much"

"really? i did, she never stops talking about you, whenever we are on a mission all i hear is your name, now come let's go drink with the guys" you smile in agreement and walk over to the guys

"kid nice of you to join" steve puts his arm around you, he hands you a shot

"we are doing shots, you joining?" everyone looks at you

"i'm russian, of course i'm joining in" you take it

"i bet i could out drink you" wanda comes over

"oh really?"

"i'm sokovian i could out drink you any day"

"wanna bet on it"

"always" everyone places their bets on who will win, you and wanda continue to take shot after shot everyone is egging you both on whilst still drinking themselves, you eventually begin to struggle but refuse to loose so carry on

"okay okay i'm out" wanda puts down her shot glass slurring her words

"you owe me $20 rhodes" barton says, everyone starts passing their bet money around, then continues to drink at this point the party is dying down and guests are leaving, you and the avengers minus bruce tony and nat are all sat together laughing and drinking


"can music save your mortal soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow well i know that you're in love with him cause i saw you dancing in the gym " you and the guys are all singing you're side hugging wanda as you sing

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