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"right wake up sleepy head" you groan and don't pay much attention

"don't make this difficult y/n come on it's 10pm i've let you have your lie in"

"banner told me to rest"

"you'll be aiming at a target not lifting weights you'll be fine, now come on you're with me today instead of wanda" you shake your head and he yanks the duvet off you

"hey i was sleeping!"

"meet me in the shooting range in 10 minutes" he leaves and you roll out of bed throwing on a pair of joggers and a cropped top you throw your hair in a messy bun and head down



"yes yes i'm here it's all good" take it he hands you a pistol

"i thought arrows were your thing?"

"yes exactly, my thing, i've heard you're more of a gun person yourself"

"i am"

"today isn't about learning to shoot an arrow i want to see your aim so there's your target, have at it"




"now don't feel pressured if you don't hit the target first try it's okay it has been a few since you've he-l" before he can finish his sentence you empty your barrel and distribute your aims hitting the target centred in the head and the heart

"jesus kid"

"i got perfect aim too, my powers aren't my only skill" he high fives you

"wanna make this more fun then"

"you should know making deals and bets with me doesn't usually work out for people, ask rodgers"

"is there anywhere you really want to go"

"i want to see the big tree with the ice" you say instantly

"the rockerfella?"


"okay deal, you hit the aim perfect on all 6 targets and i will sneak you out tonight, me and you can go visit it"

"wait really but tony told me no crowded places with no security details surrounding the area?"

"tony doesn't have to know, look i believe you can look after yourself, and i'll be there" you smile so wide and hit the targets all perfectly

"so we can go?"

"i'll come to your room at 10 tonight, but we can't tell anyone okay it has to be our secret"

"thank you clint" he goes to high-five you again but you pull him into a tight hug

"we all deserve to see the rocker fella at least once, now go and hang out with wanda or something, you did good today" you nod and head out excited you go to the kitchen to grab a quick snack

"y/n how did it go"

"perfect aim every time"

"nice" tony squeezes your shoulder

"hey tony what're you doing today"

"for once not much why?"

"i want a tattoo" he looks confused

"absolutely not"


"why would you want a tattoo"

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