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"cold out here" she wraps her jacket tighter around herself and sits next to you

"what're you doing out here"

"just thought maybe we should talk"

"you hated me until last night what changed"

"i saw you fighting"


"you fought how i fight"


"you're the only person i have ever met who could ever understand"


"what they did to us, how they treated us, made us do their dirty work"

"yeah i guess"

"i just don't think i should hate the one person who doesn't freak when i have a nightmare plus if i ever want to pick up ballet again i know who is professionally trained enough to be my partner"

"so does this mean if i walk into a room you won't leave anymore"


"and are we gonna talk about the kiss"

"you weren't shutting up what was i supposed to do"

"i was trying to tell you how angry you make me"

"you don't think you infuriate me with all your snarky comments trying to get a rise out of me"

"fair enough" you both share a comfortable silence and she rests her head on your shoulder

"how do you stop them"


"the nightmares, i get them every night yet you seem okay"

"i don't sleep much"

"the magic you can't do it on yourself?"

"no i can't i've tried believe me"

"you slept last night, did you get the nightmare"

"no i didn't which is weird"

"you used your magic on me?"

"no not last night"

"so why didn't i get the nightmare"

"i don't know red" you look back out over the balcony

"you don't get used to it do you"

"to what"

"the sunrises the view, in the red room it was just dark training rooms you'd only see the sky when you were out focusing on a target"

"i miss it a bit though, Russia, it was home"

"new place you're bound to feel a bit like this i know i did when i first came here"

"are you ever scared"


"that your past will catch up with you, all those people that you ya know"

"i think about them everyday, i remember every single one, every time i pulled that trigger"

"i'm glad you brought me here red"

"i'm glad i did too" you rest your head on top of hers and she puts a hand on your knee

"so friends?"

"friends" she answers

"you hungry?"


"give me a second" you go into your room and grab a blanket and some popcorn the head back out, you sit down and wrap the both of you up in the blanket

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now