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"finally, took you long enough"

"what're you talking about red, i'm literally 10minutes early"

"what is this a fashion show?" she says pointing to your hair

"i'm practically wearing the exact same outfit as you and wanda wanted to do my hair"

"whatever put these on" she hands you boxing gloves

"alright bossy" you put them on

"time to see what the red room really taught you"

"okay but you should be warned romanoff i was in there longer than you, they taught us some new stuff since you got out"

"whatever get in" you get in the ring with her and she immediately throws a punch which you deflect

"what the hell red at least let me get in the ring before you start"

"you have to be prepared for anything" she throws another punch thet you deflect quickly

"right if that's how you wanna play it" you throw her a punch which she deflects just like you wanted you push her legs apart so she falls a bit forward you grab her and push her onto the floor her head between your thighs

"i told you we learnt some new stuff since you left, you ready to tap out now sweetheart" she smacks your leg and you get off her

"i didn't appreciate that"

"strange, most girls love being in between my thighs"

"you're so full of yourself"

"whatever now come on are we going again or what" she nods her head, you hold your hand out to help her up but she bats it away and stands up

you and nat continue to train for hours, both taking eachother down, you make a snarky comment every now and then but she shoots you down but you can see the smirk she tries to hide

"right we are done now" nat takes her gloves off at this point it's about 11pm you've been in the gym for 5 hours

"well you've been lovely as ever red"

"stop calling me that"

"what? red?"



"we're not friends you don't get to call me nicknames"

"you've made that abundantly clear"

"and you haven't"

"no actually i haven't, since we met you've been nothing but a bitch to me"

"i have not"

"you're kidding, you yell at me, you leave the room when i walk in, you're horrible and you've never given me a reason why ever not once"

"fucking hell y/n shut up" suddenly she grabs onto your face and kissed you passionately then let's go and walks off as if it was nothing

what the actual hell, and that's my sign to go to sleep

you head upstairs to your room you have a shower and get into some of your new pjs, some black plaid bottoms and a white sports bra and then climb into bed where you put your hair in a messy bun and put on your reading glasses when there's a knock at your door

"come in" the door opens and its nat

"oh hey red" she crosses her arm and leans against your door

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now