new start

533 9 3

"it's so quiet" you walk up to the ice rink looking at the big tree

"you like it?"

"it's beautiful" you stare in admiration

"want to skate?"

"i've never skated before"

"it's okay you'll be great i won't let you fall" he grabs some skates and helps you put them on he steps onto the ice and holds out his hands to you it's just the 2 of you so you don't mind how ridiculous you look

"now move your legs, like you're walking but just glide instead, it's like ballet just on ice" you get the hang of it quite quickly and skate around for a while together

"i always hated christmas but this, this is amazing"

"you hated christmas?"

"christmas was never really christmas in the red room, we had no trees or lights we just had fake hollow boxes and false hope"

"you'll love christmas with the avengers, we have gifts and music, we have christmas dinner together, we can fix christmas for you this year"

"i love it here" you eventually stop skating and lean against the side of the rink looking at the big tree infront of you

"you were amazing at ice skating you could go pro, it's funny, when i first brought romanoff here she fell on her ass so many times, you pick things up fast"

"nat fell" you can't help but laugh imagining it

"you should've seen her" you both hear something shuffling behind the tree and he gets up to look over
before coming back to you

"that was weird right?" you don't respond

"y/n right?" he looks at you trying to understand why you're not responding, you look down at your hands covered in your own blood

"fuck y/n" you collapse forward he catches you and lays you down on his legs, he holds onto your bleeding abdomen

"fuck fuck fuck, y/n keep your eyes open okay just keep your eyes on me" you're blinking slowly

"tony tony it's y/n she's been shot you have to call for help please hurry" you hear him talking over the phone, before everything went black

-natasha's pov-

"clint i told you it was a fucking bad idea and now look she's in surgery" you push open the hospital doors walking to clint

"i'm sorry nat i was just-"

"it doesn't matter what you were doing you put her at risk"

"romanoff calm down, we are all worried about y/n but you are causing a scene in a hospital where people are grieving" tony tries to calm her down

"clint i could kill you right now" she clenched her fist but steve walks up to her holding her shoulders

"that's enough romanoff back off of him, he was just trying to do a nice thing, the same type of thing we did for you when you first got here, remember you wanted to see central park"

"family of y/n" a dr calls out

"that's us" steve replies, the dr looks confused and a bit starstruck by the fact all the avengers were in front of him

"any immediate family they need to be informed first?"

"we are all she has" the dr looks a bit pitiful

"is she okay?" wanda asks concerned

"she's out of surgery, it went well, she should make a full recovery in time with physio and hard work"

"is she awake?"

"not yet but it shouldn't be long before the anaesthesia wares off"

"can we see her?"

"not as a group, it may overwhelm her, you may see her one at a time" the team all nods

"please can i go first?" wanda asks the team all nod


"hey y/n" she takes a seat next to you and holds your hand

"i hope you enjoyed the rocka fella tree, clint told me about your skating, you need to wake up so i can come with you next time" a tear rolls down her cheek

"i don't know how long i have to talk to you, everyone wants to come see you, we need you okay your family needs you to come home, we can look after you at home, who else am i supposed to watch horror films with you're the only one who doesn't laugh when i scream" wanda spends the next 10minutes talking to you and fixing your hair before steve comes in, followed by bruce then sam then bucky then tony

"your turn" tony says walking out of the room, nat being the only one who's not seen you but the rest of the team stays in the waiting room after being told they could leave wanting to be there when you wake up

"she wouldn't want to see me"

"of course she would"

"i'll just stay out here"

"go sit with her nat, you don't have to talk to her, just be there, i know she'd want to know you visited her" the team agrees and nat walks in sitting in the chair next to you

-y/n pov-

"hi y/n, the guys told me i should come sit here, i don't really know what i'm supposed to do or say right now, if this were anything else i would've just said i told you so, which i did by the way, i knew you shouldn't have gone with just clint, i should've come to, but you just made me so mad the other day, if i was there i could've helped, you never would've got hurt, i could just kill clint for letting this happen to you"

"you're yelling" you mumble slowly opening your eyes nat looks up quickly

"y/n you're awake" a tear rolls down her eyes and she grabs your hand checking your pulse

"no shit" you smirk but she looks serious "not feeling very jokey right now okay got it"

"you're an idiot, why did you go why couldn't you just listen to me"

"i just wanted to see the christmas tree" a tear rolls down your cheek and she wipes it away with the sleeve of her jacket

"i know you did y/n i know you did" she holds your hand and rubs it with her thumb

"i should go tell the team you're awake" she stands up in a rush but you grab a hold of her wrist

"red" she turns to look at you

"lie with me"

"but the guys-"

"please? just for a little while" she nods her head and climbs into your hospital bed hesitant not to touch you

"i'm not contagious"

"i don't want to hurt you" you grab her hand and place it over your stomach, nat now spooning you, she kisses your shoulder and sighs deeply

"does this mean you're not mad at me anymore"

"i'm so angry at you y/n, for what you said, and for how scared you made me, but right now i just want to enjoy the fact that you're okay"

"i'm sorry for what i said i really am"

"i know you are"

"clint told me you fell on your ass when he took you skating" nat sits up a bit

"i'm gonna kill him"

"it wasn't his fault ya know"

"y/n he let you go, he let you get hurt"

"there was nothing he could've done romanoff, you can't blame him if you're going to blame anyone blame me, he just did what i asked him to"

"i'm sorry i wasnt there if i was i-"



"you being there wouldn't have changed anything red i knew what could happen if i left and i still chose to go, and you know what i had fun, for the first time ever im enjoying myself, now stop angrily thinking about how you're going to get revenge and just be with me" nat kisses your head and strokes your hair

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now