house not a home

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you arrive at the safe house, there's guards stationed at every exit and cameras covering every square inch, you and wanda stand in the kitchen

"so i guess this is home?" wanda asks

"it certainly feels like what i was used to before the avengers"

"and me"

"this is no home is it y/n, at least in a cell we wouldn't have had to make our own dinner" you try to cheer wanda up a little she fakes a smile

"hey why don't we get some breakfast" you make your way to the kitchen and cook french toast together

-nats pov-

5 weeks later

knock knock

"romanoff it's tony can i come in" you don't respond, laying in your bed

"if you don't answer i'll have to come in anyways" he opens the door and comes to sit at the end of your bed placing a hand on your leg

"what do you want tony"

"i want you to come join the team for dinner, you've barely eaten, you barely leave your room, you won't talk to us"

"i'm fine"

"natasha this is not healthy, we need to move on" you sit up looking at him angrily

"move on? what's that supposed to mean move on, over half the team is gone, wanda and y/n were supposed to be home by now and nobody ever said we couldn't even call or visit them"

"i didn't know okay, but i've had updates from the security team and they are doing okay they're safe"

"but they're not supposed to be there, y/n is supposed to be here"

"look i know you loved y/n but she isn't coming back anytime soon it seems, you have to find a way to survive without her here, you managed before you'll manage again"

"love y/n okay i still love her she's my girlfriend and she has to come back now if you're not going to help me then get out" tony stands up walking out the door

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