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"you kitchen now, you stay" yelena says ushering you into the kitchen leaving nat sat on the couch

"i knew i'd find you here" yelena smiles and pulls you into a massive hug

"it's so good to see you when they took you away i was so scared you were gone i came here because i knew if you were alive you'd come find me"

"ya know i probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for her" you nudge your head towards the living room

"why did you bring her y/n she left me"

"she didn't yelena, or at least she didn't know she did she thought you got out, then she thought that the red room was finished she had no way of knowing"

"it doesn't-"

"please yel she needs your forgiveness just as much as you need your sister back"

"ugh do you always have to be so speachy"

"i can't help it it's my gift, just bear bear her out, please? for me?" you give her puppy dog eyes

"oh my god fine y/n for you but only for you"

"thank you" you and yelena walk back into the living room where nat is sat biting her nails

"that always was your worst habit" yelena says making nat immediately drop her hand she sits on the opposite couch and you sit next to nat her legs shaking so you put your hand on her knee which yelena notices

"wait are you two like a thing"

"yeah we're engaged actually" you wait to see how yelena would react

"how did this happen?"

"nat saved me, more than once, i wouldn't be here if it weren't for her i owe her my life" a small smile crosses yelenas face

"does she make you happy?" she asks you

"really happy, but not as happy as it would make me for you two to talk everything out and get on, and until you do you're not leaving now i'm going to go into the kitchen and make food whilst you guys talk everything out because i want my bestfriend at my wedding not ignoring my wife" you get up and walk into the kitchen

-nats pov-

"yelena i'm so sorry"

"it's not like we were a real family anyway"

"do t say that, i know you don't think that, you're my baby sister you always have been, i never meant to leave you, i thought that you had got out, that you were living your life away from that place"

"i'm not mad at you for getting out nat"

"you're not?" yelena gets up and comes to sit next to you

"we all wanted out of there you just managed it, how could i be mad i just can't believe you ended up an avenger"

"well i'm hardly an avenger anymore the teams broken up, me and y/n along with some others are on the run"

"that sucks, but you can live your life now right, be who you always wanted to be"

"i feel like i'm only just learning what i want"

"i figured you always had a plan for your life"

"i thought i did but then i met y/n, she has a way of making me think i deserve more than just the mundane"

"you really like her"

"how could i not"

"don't break her heart"

"i could never"



"what did you want out of this, out of coming to ding me"

"i just missed my family, you're the only person other than y/n who has ever felt like home to me, i want my sister in my life"

"i guess i do kind of miss having a big sister plus if i don't make it up with you y/n might actually kill us both"

"yeah i think you're right, so forgive me?" you look pleadingly she pulls you into a hug on the couch

"you've never not had my forgiveness идиот (idiot)"

"i love you"

"i love you too"

"oh my god what smells so nice"

"y/n is a great cook, i guess having chefs at the avengers compound means she didn't get to cook much"

"i didn't even realise she could cook"

"yeah she picked it up when we'd have longer missions she always wanted to be a chef, said in another life that's what she'd be but who knows maybe now you guys are free she can be"

"maybe, now come on let's go eat im starving"

-y/n pov-

"hey girls, you make up?" you seem them both walk in smiling nat walks up behind you as you're chopping up some basil wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head on your shoulder

"we did, now what're you making"

"all i could find in your cupboards was pasta and stuff so i'm making pasta and some sauce i just threw a bunch of stuff up in the pan it's nothing special"

"lemme try" you get a fork and prod a piece of pasta for yelena she takes it and eats it

"y/n that's amazing, you just made that out of random stuff in my kitchen?"

"uh huh"

"lemme try babe" you pick up another bit of pasta and let nat try

"you made that?! that's amazing i love it"

"you guys are exaggerating it's just pasta"

"you're really talented i can't believe this whole time i never knew you were such a chef

"i'm hardly a chef i just mix random ingredients together"

"you're too hard on yourself you always were now come on plate me some up"

"and me" you smile and plate up the pasta, you nat and yelena all sit together laughing and talking about anything and everything

"so what's your guys' plan now that you're free, we'll kind of free"

"it was to go join wanda and steve in sweden, then stay there until we figure other stuff out i guess"

"that's kind of shit"

"yelena language!" nat says sternly

"sorry mom" she says sarcastically
"i just mean this is the first time in your lives you guys can just do whatever you want to do, be who you want to be, and you're going to spend in hauled up in some place in sweden"

"when you put it like that..." nat looks at you a hesitant look on her face

"red what're you thinking?"

"what if we didn't join steve, wanda, bucky, clint and sam what if me and you just went off on our own we can go anywhere, you always wanted to live in italy why don't we go to italy"

"natasha but what about the team"

"when the team gets back together they'll find us but until then why can't me and you just live a little"

"i don't want you to feel like you have to do this, we don't have to go anywhere we can wait for the team, they're your family"

"you're my family y/n you and yelena and yelena loves italy she can visit us all the time and we can visit her" nat holds onto your hands

"are you sure you want to do this?"

"i'm positive"

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