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the next morning you wake up later than yesterday at about 7:00 when your alarm went off until you notice your door was open and natasha was stood at the bottom of your bed you get so surprised you fall out of bed and she laughs a little

"fucking hell, what do you want" you say climbing back into bed

"i know what you did"

"i literally have no idea what you are talking about but i am currently in shorts and my bra so if you wouldn't mind" you point to the door expecting her to leave

"my dream last night"

"what about it because unless your dream had something of significant meaning to me i couldn't care less"

"i was having a nightmare the only way they end is by my waking up shaking but last night it just stopped and was replaced by something else"

"good for you i guess"

"well it wasn't wanda i already asked her"

"and why on gods green earth should i care"

"because you changed it"

"i did nothing of the sort"

"you did"

"whatever romanoff get out of my room so i can put on some clothes" she rolls her eyes and leaves and you go and brush your teeth before you head into the living room


"y/n a word" tony beckons you to the kitchen area

"what's up"

"since you're here to stay we need to start you on an induction"

"a what?"

"we need to see exactly what you can do"

"and what does that mean exactly"

"this week you're on a plan"

"i am?"

"monday, this evening, you will be joining natasha, we want to see your combat skills although you were raised in the red room so i'm sure they will be just fine

tuesday, you'll be with steve on endurance, basically a long long run

wednesday, you'll be with wanda we want to see your powers and what they can do

thursday, you'll be with clint showing us your aiming skills

friday, you'll be with me, i heard you're smart and i want to see what you can do in the lab

then this weekend we have a party so i'll let you off not doing any training"

"please anyone but romanoff"


"can't i do combat skills with anyone else"

"romanoff is our best in that area"


"no buts you'll be with her this evening at 6 in the gym don't be late she hates tardiness" you roll your eyes and head back into the living room with bucky

"sucks to be you"

"really really does"

"wanna play video games today, pass the time?" you nod your head and he hands you a controller until wanna arrives and sits by you

"i heard what you did" she whispers in your ear

"what did she do" bucky asks

"god everyone around heres so nosy, wait she telepathy duh" she realises

natasha romanoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now