party prep

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you spend hours watching wanda picking out dresses and skirts and jackets trying to figure out what to wear to the party

"what happens at them?" you ask as wanda looks through a bunch of dresses

"at parties"

"yeah at parties, what do i have to do?"

"you just have to show up and dance and drink and have fun"

"that's all"

"and be my wingwoman of course"

"naturally maximoff"

"hey try this on" she throws a black dress at you

"you sure this seems like it was expensive"

"just try it on idiot" you stand up and walk into the bathroom to try on the dress that wanda had picked out for you, it's on the short side but covers what it needs to and has small straps and a low cut neck, you walk out of the bathroom and wanda is just stood there mouth open staring at you


"you're kidding me right now"

"it's too short?"

"y/n that dress was MADE for you, you just have to wear it"

"wanda i couldn't"

"you can and you will i insist okay, plus i know a certain avenger who just won't be able to take her eyes off of you all night if you wear that, other than me of course" she winks and you throw a jacket she left on her bed at her

"no need to get violent y/n im simply telling the truth, you look amazing now come on let's find you some shoes then i'll do your hair and makeup"

"wanda it's only 5pm the party doesn't start until 9"

"WE ONLY HAVE 4 HOURS!!!" a lock of panic crosses her face

"calm down maximoff it will all be okay"

you spend a while helping wanda make her final outfit collection and you're now said at her vanity and she brushes your hair

"can i be nosy" wanda says breaking the silence

"go ahead"

"how did you get this one?" she points at a scar hidden behind your ear

"observant one aren't you"

"i see it all"

"they had to shave my hair in the red room for one of the experiments, the razor they used nicked the side of my head, that's all"

"were you scared?"

"of a haircut?"

"of the experiments"

"i was, at the start, they became so routine i got used to them"

"i don't know how you coped all those years y/n, i was in there for an hour and just seeing those little girls torn away from their families, thinking of baby you and little nat just broke my heart"

"it had its good moments too, i know it was awful but the girls were family, we made our own traditions, we would play pranks together, laugh together, tell ghost stories" you lie wanting to stop her feeling too bad


"really, now come on let's swap and i'll do your hair"

"it's okay i was just going to put it in 2 plaits"

"i know how to plait hair" you say standing as she sits

"you can?"

"kept my hair out of the way during training as a kid, became a very useful skill" you begin to plait her hair

"so maximoff you hoping to catch anyone in particulars eye tonight"

"no of course not"


"what do you mean mhhmm"

"*cough* vision *cough* sorry sore throat"

"y/n shut up i do not like vision"


"i am not"

"oh you so are"

"shut up"

"whatever idiot" you smile continuing to do her hair

"do you think he likes me?"

"he'd be crazy not too" you kiss the top of her head after finishing her plaits

"wow they're perfect"

"why thank you"

"so are you entering with me or your girlfrienddd"

"tony wanted to introduce nat to someone at the start, so we can go and meet her there"

"wow i'm the second choice"

"and i'm not?! ooo vision, you're soooo funny vis hahah i don't know what you said but i'm gonna laugh anyway" you say mocking her

"hey don't be mean i do not sound like that"

"you so do, now put your shoes on and let's go witchy, we have drinks to drink" you put your shoes on interlock arms and head down to the party

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