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"y/n sweetheart can i come in?" nat walks into your room leaning on your desk

"you're already in so there wasn't much point asking" you refuse to look at her as you fold your things putting them in your suitcase angrily

"please baby look at me"

"just go romanoff i can't deal with this right now i have to finish packing" you try desperately not to give in to her pleading

"it's not forever you know, just for a little bit and then you can come home and everything will go back to how it was, we are going to be okay, look, be angry at me i understand yell at me scream at me whatever just don't brush me off "

"how is everything going to be okay, clint scott and steve are gone, they're gone!, you think that ross is just going to let them leave willingly, they're going to be on the run, hiding, and how are we going to be okay? im leaving, you think they're just randomly going to decide me and wanda aren't weapons and just let us come back here?"

"y/n-" you hear nats voice drop she grabs a hold of your hand forcing you to turn around

"you admitted it so fast nat"

"admitted what"

"that you agreed with the accords"

"they're the only way to keep the avengers together, to keep me and you together i had to"

"you agreed so fast that me and wanda, your friend and your girlfriend are monsters"

"you know that's not what i did, not what i think"

"isn't it? the accords aren't something that just happened on a whim they happened because the world is scared of me and wanda, they see us as killer weapons"

"that's not how i see you, you know it isn't"

"just please nat just go, don't make this any harder than it is"

"i'm not going anywhere until we talk this out"

"look i signed them okay, you get to keep most of your family together, i did that for you, so just let me do this how i want to do it"

"it's not my family without you, you're my family y/n i love you" your heart breaks seeing nat so devastated but you know comforting her and telling her you love her will only make things harder

"please stop, i need to finish packing i leave tomorrow morning" you turn back around a tear rolling down your cheek that you don't want nat to see you don't hear nat leaving, instead she walks right up to you forcing you to turn around she puts her arms around your neck and leans her head on your shoulder, you can't help but wrap your arms around her, taking in every part of the hug, the smell of her hair, the feeling of her breathing against your ear, the rising of her chest against yours, you don't know when the next time you'll see her again will be

"i love you so much y/n i'm so sorry, you're everything to me, i won't let them keep you there forever, you're going to come home i swear i'll always come back for you, always"

"you should go, you're only going to make things harder than they already are" you say desperately trying to not burst out in tears, nat kisses your cheek puts her hands on your face and kisses your forehead before walking back into her own room tears streaking down her face


"hey y/n"

"hey wanda"

"did you talk to nat"

"yeah did you talk to vision?"


"how'd it go?"

"horrible, you?"

"i think i just ruined everything with her" you break down crying on the floor, wanda sits next to you pulling you into a side hug

"i'm sure everything will work out in the end, you guys are meant to be together"

"do you think?"

"i really do"

"hey uhm do you wanna stay in my room tonight, i don't really want to be alone"

"i was gonna ask the same thing, now come on let's sleep"


the next morning you wake up at 7am, not that you slept very well at all, you and wanda just stirred throughout the night not wanting to acknowledge the heartbreak you both feel, you slowly get out of bed grabbing your suitcases before heading downstairs hand in hand trying not to cry at the thought of leaving behind the people you see as family, well some of your family, you walk to the door seeing tony, bruce, peter and rhodey

"hey guys we didn't expect you to be up" wanda says

"you didn't think we'd let you go without saying good bye did you?" you look slightly around a part of you expected to see nat and wanda did the same looking for vision

"they thought it would be easier if they weren't here" tony says understanding your search

"oh i didn't-"

"it's okay girls you'll be home in no time you're not dangerous it won't take long for them to see that"

suddenly you hear a car honking outside

"we should go y/n, the car is waiting" you nod

"we will see you soon okay" tony says in a lowers voice, at this point you don't even think he believes it himself, you walk outside where 2 men approach forcefully taking the suitcases whilst another 2 force you into the back of the car

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