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Harry woke up to the sound of banging above him and dust falling onto his where he lay curled onto the old mattress from Dudley's crib.

"GET UP AND MAKE BREAKFAST, YOU FREAK," he heard his 'uncle' yell before the door was flung open and he was pulled out by the collar of Dudley's old shirt.

He was allowed ten minutes to use the bathroom before being pulled out and roughly shoved into the kitchen. He made pancakes with eggs and bacon and brought them to the table. He was so busy trying to balance the plates that he didn't see that Dudley had stuck his foot out front of him, Tripping Harry. So he fell to the floor, and the food went flying across the room and landed on his 'uncle'.

Harry would have laughed at the sight in front of him if he didn't know what was going to come next, so he watched fearfully as Vernon's face turned a dark shade of red as he stood up and marched over to Harry.

"YOU DISGUSTING, FREAK YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!!" he yelled, grabbing Harry by the arm and pulling him out of the room and to the kitchen. He took a knife from the drawer and ripped off Harry's shirt before pressing the knife into his skin and beginning to carve. Harry screamed in pain, and the knife dragged along his skin, drawing blood.

When Vernon was done, he dropped the knife beside Harry and grabbed his hair, pulling him to his feet. "CLEAN UP YOUR MESS, BOY, AND HAVE A NEW BREAKFAST READY IN 40 MINUTES, OR YOU WON'T LIKE IT," he screeched before heading to the living room. Harry heard the TV come on and sighed.

He quickly cleaned up the blood that had leaked out of his wounds and onto the floor and hurried to make a second breakfast, this time forcing himself not to show pain.

After breakfast, he was given a list of chores and was told to have them done before lunch. After he made lunch and got another beating from Vernon he was sent outside to tend to his 'Aunt's' garden.

While there he saw a snake poking its head out from behind a rose bush.

#Excuse me, snake,# He hisses, and the snake lifts its head up and looks at him.

#You are speaker, like my master,# The snake hissed back.

#You can't stay here. If my relatives see you here, they will kill you,# Harry hissed just as the back door opened.

"BOY, COME START, DINNER," Petunia yelled, and he quickly got up and rushed into the house, hoping to avoid punishment.

With dinner done hours ago and his chores finally done, Harry made his way to his cupboard and went in. He looked at the old clock he had taken out of the garbage and saw that he had one minute until midnight, his eighteenth birthday.

He grew excited, the Weasleys were coming to pick him up tomorrow at midnight so he could spend the rest of the summer with them. As the clock struck midnight, Harry's body began to burn, pain coursed through his body and he opened his mouth in a silent scream before passing out.


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Word count: 527

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 3:30 am

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