Chapter Thirteen

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When Scorpio woke up in the morning, he curled into his pillow and sighed. His pillow moved, and Scorpio growled, pulling it closer, and it huffed out a laugh. 'Wait...pillows don't move,' he thought to himself. His eyes shot open to see that he was lying on someone's chest. He looked up, and yellow eyes met with red eyes.

"Morning, Tom," He said, sitting up and stretching his muscles, as Tom sat up and moved close to him.

"Morning, my Scorpio," Tom said, kissing the back of his neck.

A muffled "shh" came from beside them and they looked over to see Severus had stuck his head under the pillow to block out their conversation. Chuckling, Scorpio moved closer and pulled the pillow off his mate's head making him groan.

"Go back to..." Severus began but was cut off when soft lips pressed against his briefly before pulling away. He opens his eyes to see Scorpio looking down at him and blushes bright red before looking away.

"Let's shower and get downstairs," Tom said, and they began their morning routine.

Just as they were about to exit the room a knock came at the door. "My Lord," Draco's voice called but he sounded anxious. Scorpio quickly opened the door, and Draco rushed in, slamming the door behind him.

"Dragon, what's wrong?" Scorpio asked worriedly.

"Mom is here and she's mad. Like really mad," Draco panted out, trying to catch his breath.

Tom growled at the mention of Narcissa, while Severus just frowned.

"Why is she here?" Tom asked. He had not invited her to his manor, and he had told his death eaters not to interrupt his weekend.

"I think it has something to do with Scorpio, she keeps mumbling about Dumbledore letting him get away. I came to the conclusion he is Scorpio," Draco informed them, then frowned. His eyes wandered from Tom to Severus then back to Scorpio, before he gasped. "You found your mates," He exclaimed and his brother nodded.

"Yeah, I did," Scorpio said, smiling slightly.

"It all makes sense now; I wonder why you three were acting so weird last night," Draco said as the sound of something crashing echoed through the house.

"Let's go deal with the lady before she destroys my house," Tom said, marching out of the room. The others followed. They got to the first floor to see stuff broken everywhere, and Lucius rushed out of the living room as a vase followed him. He had a cut on his cheek from where something kicked him.

He paused when he saw them and let out a shaky breath. He had a gash on his forehead, and one on his cheek, and Scorpio's anger flared. He walked up to Lucius and placed a hand on his cheek, healing him.

"My Lord, please, you have to stop her," Lucius said to Tom but Scorpio was already moving towards Narcissa's destination. He entered the room and paused at the door. The room was destroyed, and he watched as the woman paced in front of a broken window; her hair was out of place, and she looked furious.

"You know, it's not quite nice to destroy someone's home," He said sarcastically and Narcissa paused in her tracks and turned to him.

"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes raised over his body and she smiled suggestively at him.

"You should know better than to barge into someone's home uninvited," Scorpio said, just as the others came up behind him.

"My Lord," Narcissa said, bowing.

"Wow, so much respect for your lord, but not for his property. It's hard to believe you are loyal after that display you just put on for us," Scorpio said, stepping further into the room.

"I am loyal to my Lord, you pest," Narcissa yelled.

"Watch your mouth. I know what you did. Why are you here, why are you so mad?" Scorpio said and smirked as Narcissa snarled at him.


"Really? Nothing to do with a little baby?" He asked, a smirk growing as Narcissa gave a deranged scream.

Narcissa raised her wand towards him and shot a curse at him. Before the curse could strike him, a hooded figure appeared in front of him, absorbing the spell.

"You just had to ruin my fun, didn't you?" Scorpio whined, as the figure turned to him and scoffed before looking back at Narcissa.

"Rude," Scorpio mumbled before turning back to a stunned Narcissa. "You come into my mate's home and destroy his possessions, shoot a hex at someone who means quite a lot to me and injure them, then try to shoot one at me," Scorpio said. His voice never raised, and he spoke as if he were having a simple conversation, but his anger was still evident in his tone.

"Kellan, take her, bind her magic, and make her suffer but keep her alive until I say," Scorpio instructed. The cloaked figure moved closer to the woman, who was now trembling, her face deadly white.

A bony hand was placed on her shoulder, and shadows descended on them before they vanished.

"That was Death?" Draco asked, his voice shaking slightly.

"Yes. He will take care of her for now. Let's eat breakfast," Scorpio said, heading to the kitchen.


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Word count: 856

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 10 am

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