Chapter Twenty-Six

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The music started to play, and Scorpio took a deep breath from behind the curtain and looked at the image being shown. They had agreed that both he and Severus would walk down the aisle. He watched as Severus walked down the aisle, his robes hugging his body, and Scorpio could only think one thing: 'Beautiful'.

When it was Scorpio's turn to walk down the aisle with Lucius by his side. When Scorpio had asked Lucius to give him away his dad was so happy he cried.

"Don't be nervous, son. Everything will be ok," Lucius whispered as he led him to his soon-to-be husband.

Scorpio looked up, and his mouth fell open; Tom and Severus were absolutely breathtaking. He made his way to them, and his father handed him off.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," Tom said, and Severus nodded in agreement.

They turned to the priest and he began to speak.

Scorpio zoned out, he came back when one of them squeezed his hand.

"Huh?" He asked and the crowd laughed,

"Do you Scorpio William Malfoy, take Thomas Marvolo Riddle and Severus Tobias Snape to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I DO',"

"I do," Scorpio answered. The priest repeated the statement three more times, but Scorpio was distracted by a man with a shrunken dragon sleeping on his shoulder.

"I now pronounce you husbands, you may kiss," The priest said.

They kissed and the crowd cheered. Scorpio turned around and looked at the man with the dragon. He couldn't tell why but he had a strange feeling that he needed to talk to that dragon.

They all walked back down the aisle and into the ballroom where the reception was being held. People came to us and congratulated them, but Scorpio was still focused on that dragon.

"Love, I would think on our wedding day you wouldn't be paying such close attention to another man," Tom said, but the look on his face made Scorpio know he was just curious about something.

"I need to talk to that dragon; I feel connected to it; it's weird," Scorpio said, and Tom nodded and motioned for Severus to go get the man.

"That man is Marco Goldburn. He trains rare dragons," Tom informed the others as they came over.

"My Lord, My Lord's Mate," the man greeted. Tom nodded, and Scorpio did the same.

"My mate wished to see your dragon," Tom said, and the man paused.

"My lord, I don't think that is such a good idea," The man said, and Tom growled.

#Stupid human trying to keep me from going back,# The dragon hissed, and Scorpio and Tom looked at him.

Scorpio raised his wand at the man. "Hand over the dragon," The man shakily took the dragon from where it was perched on his shoulder and handed it to Scorpio.

Scorpio turned his back to the man and scratched the dragon's chin. #Where are you trying to go back to little one?#

The dragon looked up surprised, #You speak the language of the Dragon,#

#I do, now I don't know why I feel a connection to you. I will help you get where you want to go,# Scorpio said and the dragon did a flip.

#My family, I have to get back to my mate; this woman cursed me to be a dragon and shrunk me, then wiped my mate's memory of me so she could have him. This man helped her trap me and take me to make sure I wouldn't get back after I couldn't talk to regular humans; I was stuck sneaking the language of the dragons. If I get to my mate and he reconnects our magic, then I will turn back to human,# The dragon said, and Scorpio nodded.

#What's your name? And your mates?# Scorpio asked, curiously.

#My name is William Cullen, and my mate's name is...# The dragon began.

#Lucius Malfoy,# Scorpio gasped, he spun around and pointed his wand at the man still standing there. "You bastard," Scorpio snarled.

"Tom, he helped Narcissa, separate my parents; this dragon is my father," he told his mate. Tom frowned before pointing his wand at the man and making him disappear.

"He will be in the dungeon till we are ready to deal with him," Tom said and Scorpio nodded.

#Come on, William I will take you to Lucius,# Scorpio said, as he made his way across the room to where his father stood talking to Draco.

#That's Lucius,# Scorpio said as he came up to them.

"Dad, I have someone I would like you to meet," Scorpio said, and Lucius turned to his son with a smile on his face.

"Hey son," he said, then looked at the dragon. "Aww, who's this little guy?" Lucius asked, scratching the dragon's head making William lean into it and purr.

"I want you to connect your magic to the dragons," Scorpio said. Lucius gave him a skeptical look but did what Scorpio said. The magic started to flow around the dragon, and he started to glow, grow, and take the form of a man.

The glow disappeared and before them stood a man who looked just like Scorpio, except he had black hair and was taller and more muscular. "William," Lucius yelled, throwing himself into his mate's arm.

"Lucius," William replied just as enthusiastically. Lucius pulled away from William with tears in his eyes.

William turns to Scorpio, "This young man helped me." He said and Lucius looked back and forth between them.

"You didn't tell him?" Lucius asked and Scorpio shook his head.

"I figured you could tell him later after you guys catch up," Scorpio said, and Lucius smiled at him

"Tell me what?" William asked, and they both turned to him.

"William, this is Scorpio William Malfoy Snape Riddle, our son," Lucius told him, and William looked at him.

"Thank you," William said, hugging him tightly.

"And this," Lucius said, pulling Draco who was standing off to the side, "Is Draco Lucius Malfoy."

William looked at him. "We have two sons?" He asked, surprised.

And Lucius stuttered, "I um, he is from someone else." Lucius said, looking away and William frowned.

He took Lucius's chin and made him look at him. "He is for Narcissa?" William asked, but it was more of a statement than a question. And Lucius nodded. "He is a part of you, your child. Innocent in all this, I will not reject you because of this, nor him," William said before turning to Draco.

"It is nice to meet you, Draco. I hope we get along and one day you will consider me your family," William said and Draco looked shocked.

"I...I...ok," Draco said, his eyes still unsure.

"Dad, why don't you take Father and Draco home, there you can explain everything. I am going to head upstairs with my mates," Scorpio said, and Lucius nodded and led the other two away while Scorpio went to look for Tom and Severus.


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Word count: 1,149

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 4:30 pm

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