Chapter Ten

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It was Friday, and Scorpio was nervous and excited. Draco had told him that Snape had agreed to let them both use the floo right after their last class, which was potions.

He was sitting in the great hall eating lunch when he felt a presence behind him. Turning, he saw Dumbledor looking at him with a sickeningly sweet smile. "Hello, professor. Can I help you with something?" he asked, forcing himself to keep the sneeze out of his voice.

"Harry, my boy, I would like to see you after dinner today in my office. The password is Mars bars," Dumbledor said in his grandfatherly voice.

"Of course, Professor," he said before turning back to his food. He could tell there were potions in it and scoffed, knowing that they wouldn't do him any good anyway. Then he ate.

After lunch, he waited for everyone to leave before making his way over to Draco. "What did the old fool want?" Draco asked immediately as they were alone.

"He wants to meet me after dinner, so we have to push back going to your house for about half an hour," Scorpio informed him, and his brother nodded.

They both exited the Great Hall and, with a brief hug, went their separate ways. He went up the stairs and turned the corner and was suddenly pushed into the wall. He closed his eyes briefly from the impact and opened them to see a pissed-off Crabbe and Goyle alone with Theo, glaring at him.

"What have you done to Draco?" Theo asked, pressing him into the wall.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Scorpio said, in a bored tone.

"You put him under a spell, we just know it. You two have been friendly and hanging out with each other, but Draco would never willingly hang out with you," Crabbe snarled, and Scorpio raised a brow at them.

"Did you ever think to ASK Draco WHY he hangs out with me?" Scorpio asked them.

The boys in front of him all stuttered over their words look at each other, "That doesn't matter, get would have had some made-up answers from your spell,"

Deciding he had enough of their foolishness, he used his magic to push them away from him and stick them to the opposite wall. "I will only say this once, so listen to me carefully. If you put your hands on me again, no one will find your body. If you want answers, ask Draco. If he does not want to tell you, so be it," he drawled before walking off, leaving them stuck to the wall.

He made it to his Herbology and frowned when he saw the only open seat beside Ron. He sat on the stool, and immediately, Ron began to speak, even though Scorpio ignored him. It was the same with every class he had together. His two ex-best friends tried to talk him into spending time with them.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Scorpio walked down the hallway to Dumbledore's office in deep thought. He had smelled his mate today in potions class but every time he looked around trying to find them, Snape would yell at him. He tried to think of who the smell could be coming from but frowned when he couldn't think of anyone.

Scorpio walked up to the Gargoyle and glared at it. "Marsbars," he hissed his parseltongue slipping through with his irritation.

#Calm down, master. Or you'll give away your secret,# Asmodeus hissed softly and Scorpio took a deep breath as the Gargoyle turned to reveal the spiral staircase. He climbed them and entered the office without knocking.

"Ah, Harry. Glad you could make it," The headmaster said as he entered.

"Why did you call me here?" Scorpio asked, cutting straight to the point.

"Yes, I received a letter over the summer from Gringotts saying that all my...erm...the funds set up through the vaults have been stopped and the money returned to the... right...ful owner, and when I came to search for you and your relative, they said you were not there," the old fool said.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, headmaster; I have not gotten anything from Gringotts this summer and was at my relative's house all summer except for the time I spent with our next-door neighbor," Scorpio lied, keeping his voice calm and innocent.

"Ah, yes, well, we will have that sorted out shortly. We will go to Gringotts over Yule. I have also seen that you have not been hanging around with Ron and Hermione lately," Dumbledore said, and he had to stop himself from snarling.

"I fail to see how my friendships are any of your concern," He bit out, clenching his teeth on his tongue to keep from being rude.

"I was just merely observing, surely you miss your friends?" The headmaster said and his eyes twinkled.

"No, I can't say I do," Scorpio sneered, taking pleasure in the surprised look on the man's face. "Headmaster, if you have only called me in here to discuss past friendships, I will be taking my leave. I have detention with Professor Snape," he said, heading towards the door.

"I suggest you give them a chance, Harry," Dumbledore said, and Scorpio felt the attempts of a compulsion spell.

Without another word, he stormed out of the office and down to the dungeon. He said the password that Draco told him earlier and burst into the room.

"Brother, are you alright?" Draco asked immediately when he saw Scorpio.

"I can believe the nerve of that man, how dare he, I wish I could..." He began but paused as Snape came into the room and the sweet smell of Treacle tart, with a hint of Pumpkin juice, filled his nose, he found his first mate.

He knew the other man smelled him, too, when he froze wide-eyed and stared at Scorpio before averting his eyes to Draco. "You didn't tell me it was Potter who was coming," The older man said with so much venom in his voice that Scorpio took a step back.

"Because I knew you wouldn't agree if I told you," Draco said, walking over to the floo. "Let's go; Father should be waiting," he said.

"Riddle Manor," Draco said before disappearing into green flames. Scorpio followed behind him, repeating the same thing his brother had said.

He stumbled out of the floo and landed on his butt and groaned. "Potter?" He heard a voice say and looked up to see Lucius Malfoy standing next to an older version of an amused-looking Tom Riddle and a snickering Draco. Scorpio stared at Tom as the smell of Pumpkin Juice filled his nose, and he found his second mate.

He pulled himself to his feet just as the fire roared and Severus stepped out and walked straight into the arms of Tom Riddle.

"Severus, you didn't tell me it was Potter who was coming," Tom said, his voice smooth and deep. It made a shiver run down Scorpio's back, which he knew the man didn't miss if the smirk on his face was anything to go by.

"I didn't know until a few minutes prior," Severus stated and Tom nodded.

"Let's go somewhere more private," Tom suggested as he left them out of the living area and to his office. "So..."


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Word count: 1190

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 8:30 am

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