Chapter Twenty-Four

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It was an hour before the train was leaving for Yule. Harry, Draco, Severus, and Lucius were in Severus's quarters waiting for Tom to come and start the first part of their plan.

The fire roared and Tom stepped out with a prisoner from the dungeons in his manor. He threw him down on the floor and stepped over to greet his mates. "Hey, love," He said, kissing them both.

"So, who is this?" Scorpio asked, looking at the filthy man before them.

"This is one of the lower death eaters who betrayed me. I don't quite remember his name," Tom said, and the others shook their heads.

"Wake him up," Scorpio instructed, pulling a vial from his pocket.

The man woke up when Draco kicked him, quickly sitting up and looking around. Scorpio pointed his wand, and his wand cast an oblivion. Then he quickly opened the vial, pulling out the memories he stored inside and putting them in the man's head before casting a strong glamor on him to make him look like Harry Potter.

They studied the man in front of them, trying to see if their plan had worked. The man looked up at them and blinked. Shaking his head as if trying to clear it. "Hey, Harry, are you OK?" Scorpio asked.

The man didn't respond, just looked at them."You remembered who you were, right?" Lucius asked, and the man nodded.

"Yes, I am Harry, Harry Potter," He said, and the group smirked.

"Good, now Potter, you have to go before you miss the train," Severus said in his usual teaching voice and the prisoner nodded quickly before running out of the room.

"Baby Dragon, you go make sure nothing goes wrong, I will see you at home," Scorpio said, and Draco nodded before leaving the room.

"I will see you later for our weekly dinner," Lucius said, before flooing away. It has become a weekly tradition for them to have dinner together and talk about their weeks, or just anything that comes to mind.

"Now, time for us to get packed," Severus said, walking off into the bedroom making a Scorpio sigh, and dropping back on the couch.

"Are you OK?" Tom asked, sitting beside him.

"Yes, I am fine. It's just Severus. He's nervous about our wedding and bonding tomorrow," Scorpio informed him. And the other man sighed.

"Yeah, I figured as much. He was always nervous before big events, even if they weren't his. We just gotta be there for him," Tom said and Scorpio nodded.

Getting up the both of them went to find Severus putting the last of their belongings into their trunks.

"Oh, you are almost done," Scorpio said, walking over to him and pressing up against him. He placed his hands on his waist and kissed his neck, and the man shivered.

"Yes, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible," Severus said, he locked the trunk and shrunk it before turning around to face his mates.

"Let's get ready for tomorrow," Tom said, leading them out of the room, and to the floo.

Back at Riddle Manor, they had a house-elf unpacking their things before spending some time together. Before eating lunch, Tom had death eater meetings, Severus went to brew potions, and Scorpio went to Malfoy Manor. The mates were doing things traditionally and spending time apart before the ceremony.


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Word count: 547

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 3:30 pm

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