Chapter One

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Harry woke up hearing tapping at his window; reaching for his glasses, where they fell to the floor, he slid them on and frowned before taking them back off. Realizing that he could see perfectly well without them.

The tapping came again, this time more persistent. Harry got up on his knees, crawled over to the window, and looked out. There, he saw an owl. It had a letter in its beak that looked official.

Harry opened the window letting the owl in. The brown owl flew through the small window and landed on his bed. Harry took the letter from its beak and opened it.

'Dear Mr. Potter,

We have been made aware that you have gone through your creature inheritance. We at Gringotts congratulate you and would like for you to come in as soon as possible to discuss your vaults and also to discuss your birth papers.

This letter is a port key; it will activate with the word 'Inheritance.' We hope to see you soon.


Manager of Gringotts,


'An inheritance?' Harry asked himself. Dumbledore had told him he wouldn't get one. Excited, Harry packed his belongings in his trunk and shrunk them down before putting them in his pocket and letting Hedwig go knowing she'd meet him later.

He picked up the letter just as he heard stomping coming down the stairs. "BOY, GET UP," Vernon yelled.

"Inheritance," Harry said and felt a tug in his belly button before he disappeared and reappeared in Gringotts landing on his butt. He flushed as most of the people there turned to look at him. Quickly standing to his feet Harry made his way to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The female goblin said, not looking up from her work.

"I am here to see Ragnook; he sent me a letter," Harry said politely.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, Ripclaw will show you to his office," She said as another Goblin came and led him away.

He was led into an office, where another goblin sat behind a desk. "Ah, Mr. Potter. It's Good to see you," Ragnook said.

"Yes, I received your letter," Harry told him, taking a seat in front of the desk.

"Right, first we will deal with your parent's will, then your inheritance and vaults," Ragnook told him and Harry nodded.

Ragnook pulled out a piece of parchment and a dagger and handed them to Harry. "Three drops of blood on the parchment, Mr. Potter," The goblin said. Harry did as told and words began to appear on the page.

'Dear Harry,

If you are reading this it means that we never succeed in our mission to return you to your real family. Harry, James, and I weren't your parents, I couldn't have children. Your real parents were Lucius and William Malfoy. It was Dumbledore who took you from them but he didn't work alone. Narcissa helped him. She had always been in love with Lucius and couldn't stand the sight of him with another. She was the one who got rid of William and gave you to Albus.

Harry, whatever happens, doesn't trust Albus, he is a manipulative bastard and will use you and throw you aside when he's done with you. He is evil and he is the one that probably killed us. I'd bet he already found out our plans to return you. Remember, even though James and I aren't your parents, we love you.

Your mother for a while,


By the end of the letter, Harry had tears running down his cheeks. He had a family out there that wasn't the Dursleys. 


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Word count: 581

Re-published:  May 4, 2024, 4 am

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