Chapter Five

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At an office in Hogwarts two days later

An owl flew through the window and landed on the headmaster's desk, an official brown owl. Albus took the letter from the owl and opened it.

'Dear, Albus Dumbledor,

We at Gringotts are writing to inform you that we have become aware of illegal transactions in your vaults from the Potter vault and have returned the money to the rightful owner. Your balance as of now is zero.

Manager of Gringotts


"What?" The headmaster roared. That was impossible, there was no way the Goblins would have found out. He would find Potter and let him tell them he authorized the transactions and get his money back.

Meanwhile at the Barrow

Four Weasleys and one Granger, who had been spending the summer there, received the same letter and were furious.

"Molly, we have to go see Albus, have him clear up this mess, and get us our money back," Authur said.

Rushing to the floo they all went through heading to the headmaster's office.

Meanwhile, the twins, Fred and George, watched from the staircase, snickering. Scorpio had already written to them, telling them all that had happened and about their family.

They had both sent replies apologizing and congratulating him on finding out who his real family was.

Back at the office

Albus looked up as Molly, Authur, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione stumbled out of the floo.

"Headmaster, you have to fix this. We all got letters saying our vaults have been emptied and the money returned." Hermione screeched, as she matched up to his desk.

"Yes, my dear I have received the same. I shall go to the Dursleys and retrieve Harry. Bring him to Gringotts and let him tell them to return the money," He said, and with that, he apparated away and disapparated in front of the Dursley's household.

Knocking on the door, he waited until it opened. "What do you want?" The large pig-like man in front of him squealed.

"I am here to retrieve Mr. Potter, we have a matter of grave importance for him to deal with," Albus said, his eyes twinkling as usual.

"That freak is not here. I woke up to find him gone. It's the best day of our lives, not having to deal with all his useless freakiness anymore," Vernon yelled before slamming the door in the headmaster's face.

Furious, Albus apparated back to Hogwarts; once he landed in his office, he started pacing. 'Where could the boy be?' He asked himself.

"Albus? Where's Harry?" Molly asked when she saw him return without the boy.

"He's missing, we have to call an order meeting. We have to find him before you know who," Albus said, trying to hide the slight panic behind his eyes, he really hoped his plans weren't falling apart.


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Word count: 448

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 6 am

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