Chapter Sixteen

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Minutes turned into days, and days turned into weeks, and Scorpio was a happy little wizard.

He had spent lots of time with Tom and Severus, both apart and together, getting to know his mates. He also got really close to Draco and Lucius, going to the Manor every weekend to spend time with his new family. He had also met the LeStrange brothers, who reminded him of Fred and George, and he quickly became friends with them.

It was two months before the Yule holiday and Scorpio was walking to Lunch when a house-elf popped up in front of him.

"Headmaster, sir, said to give this note to mister Potter, sir." It said this before handing the note to Scorpio and disappearing.

'My boy Harry,

I have an urgent matter to discuss with you please come to my office immediately.


Sighing Scorpio rerouted and made his way to Dumbledore's office. He said the password and made his way up the stairs.

"Lemon drop?" Dumbledore offered, as he walked in.

"What is so urgent I had to come immediately, headmaster?" Scorpio asked, not wanting to be in the man's presence longer than he had to.

"I have gathered information that Voldemort is on the rise, Harry. Because of that, I must send you back to the Dursleys for Yuletide. They are family, and the blood wards there will protect you," Dumbledore said, and Scorpio stiffened.

He studied Dumbledore and saw the slight smirk on the old goat's lips.

"You can't do that." He said coolly, hiding his anger.

"Yes, I can; I am your guardian. When you return in the new year, your godfathers, Remus and Sirius, will be staying here you," Dumbledore said, and Scorpio stared at him in shock.

"Sirius is dead, headmaster." He said, his voice tight.

"No, my boy he is very much alive, we have just kept him hidden," Dumbledore said, Scorpio could practically see the plot in his eyes.

Using his legilimency, he entered the headmaster's mind. 'Stage one: Send him back to the Dursleys so they can break him, check. Step two: Tell him I saved Sirius and make him come back to my side and back under my thumb.'

"Very well, headmaster," He said standing and exiting the office.

He made his way down the empty corridors, the other students were in class at the moment. He didn't notice his glamor dropping until he felt his wings come out. He was pissed, as he made his way down to Severus' class. Why would they hide the fact that Sirius was alive from him?

He slammed through the doors to the dungeons and every head turned to look at him.

"Who is that?"

"Is that another Malfoy?"

"He's hot."

"Look at his wings."

He didn't pay any mind to them as he stalked across the room to the door leading to Severus's office. He opened the door and went in, slamming it behind him.

Out in the classroom, everyone was looking and the door where the mysterious hot guy had just disappeared through. There was a crash causing them all to jump in their seats and look at Snape who looked hesitant to approach the door.

"Draco, go check on him," Snape said, and Draco quickly got up and went to the door before disappearing into the office.

Snape quickly cast a spell preventing anyone in the room from saying anything about the events before dismissing them and heading into his office.

Not seeing his godson and mate there he went into his living quarters to only find Draco sitting on the couch. "Where is Scorpio?" He asked, he could sense the anger through his mating bond, and the need to find his mate grew.

"He went to Tom's," Draco said, and Severus wasted no time in rushing to the floor to find his mate.


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Word count: 615

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 11:30 am

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