Chapter Twenty

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It was a month before Yule and Severus, Tom, and Scorpio were going out on a date. Tom and Scorpio had planned it for their mate, whom they both had come to realize were more submissive in the relationship than the two of them. They were going to meet at Riddle Manor before going out. Scorpio had come last night to finalize their plans for the date and make sure everything was perfect.

He had picked out a suit for Severus to wear before coming here. Now, his mate was due to arrive any minute through the floo in Tom's office, and he was nervous. He was wearing a gray suit that fitted well and showed off his firm body, along with a red shirt and matching shoes. His hair, which he had let grow longer, was hanging loosely on his shoulders.

Tom was wearing a red suit that complimented his eyes, along with a black shirt, and Scorpio was fitting his urges to jump his bones. His short brown hair was slicked back, and every time he moved with the suit, his muscles showed off.

"You need to calm down," Tom said, walking up behind him where he stood facing the floor.

"I'm just nervous. What if I mess this up?" he asked, turning around. Tom chuckled, making him pout.

"You will do fine, I promise," Tom reassured him. He leaned down, briefly pressing his lips to his.

Just then the floo roared and Severus stepped out. He was wearing a black suit that hugged his body, along with a dark red shirt. His hair was done up in a small man-bun. Scorpio couldn't help the gasp that escaped his lips, his mate was hot. His eyes roamed his mate's body until they came back up to his face to see the blush on his cheeks from their attention. Scorpio walked up to him with Tom close behind. He grabbed the back of Snape's neck and pulled him in a kiss; the kiss caused his mate to relax against him.

They kissed until Tom cleared his throat, causing them to break apart and look at him. "Oh, Tom, you don't have to feel left out," Scorpio said with a smirk, and Tom growled.

"As much as I would like to stay here and ravish our absolutely alluring mate, we have places to be." He said, pulling a green ribbon from his pocket and they each grabbed a piece. #Slytherin,# Tom hissed and they all felt the tug in their navel before they disappeared and reappeared on a boardwalk. They watched as Severus looked around in awe. The sand in front of them was of a pinkish color and the water was a light blue color with the sun reflected on it.

They each took a hand and led him down the walk until they came to a restaurant. The name on the front read, 'WaterFront Sprites' Tom opened the door for them and led them inside where they were led to a table.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

After the date, they led Severus back down to the beach, took off their shoes, and walked on the sand hand in hand.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far?" Tom asked as the nervousness in his voice was evident.

"I am, it is nice to get away and spend time with my mates," Severus said.

"That's good. But there's more," Scorpio said as he pulled them to a stop. They both stepped in front of Severus and pulled small velvet boxes from their pockets before kneeling in front of him, making his breath hitch as he looked down at them.

"Severus, ever since I met you I was captivated by your beauty. Even in my most insane moments, I couldn't resist. You were snarky and intelligent. You were my best friend even when everyone else was too afraid of me to stand up to me, you weren't. You were always by my side, telling me exactly what you thought and never backing down when others would, both before and after I reabsorbed the pieces of my soul. When I found out you were my mate, you had no idea how happy I was when I found out you were my mate. But I was afraid, I know I was probably never what you wanted in a mate, I thought you would have rejected me, but you didn't. You gave me a chance and I'm forever grateful for that," Tom said,

"When I first went to Hogwarts, I was nervous. I had just learned the weight my name held and all the expectations the wizarding world placed on me. Everyone only talked to me because I was famous and they wanted to be a part of that. But you, you didn't treat me like I was some savior, you treated me like a normal student, well almost, you never lied to me or kept anything from me, you looked out for me, I knew it was always you saving me somehow, even when I was unconscious. I could feel you there with me. And without really thinking about it, I started getting attracted to you, I would lay awake at night and fantasize about what it would be like to be in bed with you. When I found out you were my mate I was born terrified and excited. Terrified because I was afraid you wouldn't want me, and excited because I would finally get to have you. I was finally getting the chance to have the family I always wanted. A chance to be loved," Scorpio continued.

"What we are trying to say is," Tom picked up, and they both opened the boxes to display the content inside.

Tom held the Slytherin Consort ring, and Scorpio held the Malfoy bonding ring.

"Will you Marry/bond with us?" Tom and Harry said.

By now, Severus was sobbing. He had his hand over his mouth and one over his heart. "I...I...I would love to," he sobbed out.

Tom and Scorpio grinned and slid the rings onto his finger where they merged and became one before they both stood and kissed him.

"Thank you," Severus said, a smile on his face.

"You're welcome, love," Tom said, kissing him before stepping back and letting Scorpio do the same.

"Now let's go home, we can start planning the ceremony in a few days," Scorpio said, and Tom pulled out the ribbon and port-keyed them away.


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Word count: 1051

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 1:30 pm

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