Chapter Six

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It was the day Scorpio was to meet the Hogwarts Express, and he had to admit he was a bit nervous. Hogwarts had always been a home to him, and the people there were his family, but now he wasn't so sure anymore.

He applied his glamor to make him look like Harry Potter and used the floo in the Leaky Cauldron and floo'd to the platform. He made his way onto the train and to the last compartment, he put a locking charm on the door so no one could get in and pulled out a book. Over the past month, he had learned a lot.

He had learned that because he had two creatures, he had two mates. It told him that, unlike people in a monogamous relationship, where it was specific who was dominant and who was submissive. In a polygamous relationship, the lines were blurred. Each partner could act as either a submissive or a dominant depending on their mood, but they will not be all submissive or dominant at the same time. He also learned that he could see people's auras and tell if they were good or bad, and their emotions. Spells and potions had no effect on him. He was also immortal and his mates and people he connected to would also be immortal.

His reading was interrupted by a banging on the door. He gently folded the edge of his page to mark his place and looked up to see who was at the door. He was not surprised in the least to see Ron and Hermione standing on the other side. He raised a brow at them before throwing up a silencing charm and turned back to his book.

He jerked away a few hours later to Asmodeus, his snake, tickling his ear with his tongue. #Master, the train has stopped,# The reptile hissed; Scorpio thanked him and quickly changed into his robe before exiting the train and making his way to the cart. He was lucky to avoid his 'friends' until they made it to the great hall. He sat at the far end of the table facing the Slytherin table, and they sat across from him, glaring at him while he ignored them and Ginny, who sat beside him.

"Harry, mate, why are you ignoring us?" Ron asked once the food appeared.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Scorpio said, as his eyes found who he was looking for.

Gray eyes met his and Scorpio smirked, confusing the blonde, who frowned before turning back to his friends.

"Harry, is that a snake under your robes?" Hermione asked and Scorpio looked at her with a bored expression.

"I thought you were smart; even a dumb person could see that it was obviously a snake," he drawled before turning to his food. He lifted his pumpkin Juice to take a sip and paused, sniffing it. The smell of a love position mixed with others flowed into his nose, and he placed the juice down and sighed.

The feast ended and Scorpio sat in his seat until the Great Hall was almost empty before following the crowd. He turned in the opposite direction of the Gryffindor tower and started to head towards the dungeons when a hand grabbed him and spun him around.

"Mate, the tower is this way," Ron said, his grip tightening on Scorpio.

Prying his hands off Scorpio glared at him. "I know where the Tower is, Weasley, now if you would excuse me I have some business to take care of," He hissed before walking off. When he came to the portrait leading into the Slytherin Common room he paused.

He didn't know the password.

#Is he just going to stand there like an idiot?# A voice said and his head snapped up as he looked at the snake in the painting in front of him.

#I think he is,# The man in the portrait responded.

#I'm not an idiot,# Scorpio hissed back, and both man and snake looked at him, shocked.

"You speak Parseltongue?" The man asked.

"I do, I am Scorpio Malfoy the lord of Slytherin, I think I should be able to," Scorpio replied.

"Ah, so you are family. My name is Salazar Slytherin," The man replied.

"Nice to meet you. Can I enter?" Scorpio asked, and the portrait opened. Harry made his way inside, seeing that the common room was empty, and he made his way to the boys' dorms. Finding Draco's door, he opened it to find Draco, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, and Boyle sitting on a bed, looking at him shocked, before pulling out their wands and pointing them at him.


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Word count: 760

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 6:30 am

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