Chapter Eighteen

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Scorpio walked down the halls of Hogwarts, deep in thought, thinking about the previous weekend. They had a plan for the Dursleys, but it needed more work, as did the plan for Dumbledore.

"Harry," a voice called, and Scorpio groaned. He sped up his pace and tried to get away, but sadly, he failed.

He was grabbed by the shoulder and spun around to face an angry bushy-haired girl and a redhead.

"Can I help you?" He asked sarcastically, putting on a fake smile.

"Harry James Potter, why are you ignoring us? We are your friends, it is not right. Do you think you are too good to hang out with us? All those nights I spent helping you with your homework and all the things we have been through together," Hermione shouted at him, drawing the attention of the other people in the hall.

"You seem to think I can't be without you. Friends? Why would I want to be friends with a know-it-all who tries to keep everybody down so she can prove she's such a better witch than everyone or a weasel who eats like a slobbering pig with no table manners? And all those times you helped with my homework, you were just trying to hold me back so you would stay on top of all the classes and not have competition. Did you know I'm ahead of you in ALL of our classes? Ever since you stopped helping me, I haven't had many problems with my work, and that's saying something. Now if you will excuse me, I have more important things to do than be in your company," Scorpio said, turning to walk away but bumped into another Redhead.

"Babe, I've been looking for you," she squealed before kissing him on the lips. Scorpio was shocked for a moment but recovered quickly and pushed her away.

He wiped his lips, looked behind her, and froze. Severus was standing behind her with McGonagall and Dumbledor, who looked pleased. Severus turned away, but not before Scorpio saw the hurt in his eyes. Scorpio made to step past Ginny, but she grabbed him, and Severus turned and left.

"Where are you going, babe?" she asked, and Scorpio snarled and roared, literally.

"Harry, that is no way to treat your girlfriend," She said, tears building in her eyes.

"Listen, Ginny," Scorpio growled, stalking her and making her stumble back. "You are not my girlfriend and will never be my girlfriend. You are disgusting, clingy, annoying, and a slut. I want no part of you. I AM GAY, just the mere thought of being near you makes me sick and want to vomit. Stay away from me. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, and Ginny nodded. "ANSWER ME?" He shouted.

"," Ginny stuttered out and Scorpio swiftly turned and walked away; he had to find his mate.


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Word count: 468

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 12:30 pm

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