Chapter Thirty-Three

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Scorpio looked at the old man before him, then at the redheads beside him.

"Why, I'm greeting my mates, of course," He said, getting comfortable.

"Why, Harry, you must be mistaken; Ginny Weasley is your mate," Albus said, and Scorpio snorted.

"As if I would ever date that slut," He said, and the crowd that was starting to gather gasped.

"Come now, Harry. There is no time for games. You are meant to defeat this man, yet you are sitting beside him on a throne. He must have cast a spell on you," Albus said.

"You mean like you did to me?" Scorpio asked and Albus's eyes widened.

"Why Harry, I did no such thing," Albus said, and Scorpio just smirked.

He looked around and saw Rita Skeeta and Aorur Amelia Bones standing off to the side. Rita's quill scribbled away on her reporter pad.

"Ms. Bones, if you would please step forward I would like to show you something," Scorpio said and the Auror stepped forward, he stretched out his hands and some papers appeared and he handed them to Bones.

"If you wish, you can read them out loud," Scorpio said, as the Auror took them from him, the paper he got from Gringotts.

The Auror read them out loud, and the crowd around them stared in shock and horror as Bones read out the contents of the paper, she finished reading the papers, and the look of fury on her face when she looked at Albus made Scorpio smirk.

"We aren't done yet, Miss Bones," Scorpio said, looking over at Tom, who nodded before pointing his wand at his mate. "Reveal Medicio," a parchment appeared out of thin air and started to grow. It grew until it was about five feet long before it stopped.

"This, Ms. Bones, is all I went through after Dumbledore placed me with the Dursleys after the Potters tried to return me," he said, handing her the piece of paper, which was read out loud once again, and everyone was horrified.

"Albus Dumbledore, what do you have to say for yourself?" Amelia asked, glaring at Dumbledor.

"I did not do such a thing, he doesn't even look like a Malfoy," The headmaster said, and Scorpio dropped his glamor.

"What were you saying?" he asked, and Albus's face paled. He tried to appear away, but he only blinked on the spot.

"You can't get away, Albus," Scorpio said, before casting a binding spell at Albus and the Weasleys.

"Death, bring me Narcissa," he said, and the dark figure appeared with a nearly dead Narcissa. He shoved the lady to the floor before disappearing. "Tom, Bring Marco," he said, and Tom nodded before pointing his wand, and Marco appeared beside Narcissa.

"Ms. Bones, these two also had a part in his plan. Narcissa turned my father, William Cullen, into his dragon form and cast a spell to prevent him from returning to his mate and family. This man Marco Goldburn, kept him locked away from my father and kept him away from knowing who it was. Then Narcissa took me from my dad after I was born, obliviated him of any memories of me, and gave me to Dumbledore," Scorpio explained.

"Thank you, Scorpio. I think we have enough here to put them away for a long time, without a trial, too. It saves me some work," Amelia said, satisfied. Scorpio dropped the ward and watched as Aurora led the group away, taking them to Azkaban.


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Word count: 563

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 8 pm

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