Chapter Nineteen

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Scorpio quickly made his way to the dungeons following the scent of treacle tart that Severus left behind. He got to the door and paused, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

He entered their quarters and saw Severus sitting on the leather couch, eyes closed and a cup of tea in front of him.

"My Prince," he called softly and slowly went over to Severus. The man opened his eyes and Scorpio saw a hint of red in his eyes and paused.

Severus saw his hesitation and sighed standing up and walking over to him.

"I'm not mad at you," he said, his voice a bit deeper than normal.

"You're...not?" Scorpio asked, his voice small.

"No, I am mad but not at you," Severus said, wrapping his arms around the smaller man. "I am mad at that little wench, who dares put her repulsive lips on my mates. If I had stayed there another second I would have ripped her apart, though I would have been within my right. I would prefer not to do something so drastic," He said.

Scorpio let out a sigh of relief and leaned into Severus.

"I'm still sorry you had to see that; I love you and always will; those sluts can never compare to you," Scorpio said, "Let me make you dinner to make it to you," He suggested, and Severus' stomach growled in response making Scorpio chuckle.

"That would be lovely," Severus said, pecking Scorpio on the lips. "I love you too," he whispered, sniffing Scorpio's neck.

"I'll go get started on dinner; why don't you floo and ask Tom if he wants to join us," he said before heading into the kitchen.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Tom did join them for dinner that night; now, the two of them were in bed while Severus took a shower. "How was your day?" Scorpio asked Tom as he climbed into bed.

"I work with idiots, I can't get a break for five minutes. Your dad, Merlin, bless him, has been helping all he can between looking for your father and trying to finalize his divorce," Tom told him, moving closer to Scorpio.

Scorpio sighed and climbed on top of Tom. "I know he's stressed about it, they are mates. He missed so much time with him, his creature must be going crazy." Scorpio said, just as Severus came into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Scorpio could feel himself drooling. He watched as Severus pulled on a pair of underpants, before taking off the towel and walking toward him. Scorpio couldn't help but think about how the older man's body would feel against him.

"Your drooling, my love," his mate's voice pulled him out of his daydream. He looked up to see the onyx-eyed vampire smirking at him and felt Tom laughing underneath him.

"Oh shush," Scorpio huffed, getting off him and crawling under the soft covers.

Severus chuckled and climbed under the covers with the other two, he moved until he was right behind Scorpio and wrapped an arm around him.

"You are the one that said you wish to wait until we are bonded to do anything," Tom said, sliding down and getting comfortable on the other side of the smaller male.

"Don't remind me," Scorpio groaned, snuggling further into the bed. Both mates chuckled softly.


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Word count: 537

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 1 pm

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