Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It was two days before Yule, and Scorpio was sitting in the parlor with his family, Lucius was snuggled up to William, Draco was sitting with Viktor, who had come for Yule, and Scorpio between his two mates.

"Did you send invitations, dad?" Scorpio asked Lucius.

"Yes, I did. Rita and Ms. Bones said they will be here along with everyone else," Lucius said.

"What about the blood traitors?" Draco asked.

"They also sent that they were coming and bringing the mud-blood with them," Lucius said. "Albus also said he will be there, so our plan is in motion,"

"Good, I will set up some wards tomorrow after lunch so that only our magic will work at the manor," Scorpio said.

"But can't they break the ward?" Viktor asked.

"No, I will do them in Parseltongue. Only me and Tommy could break them," Scorpio replied, and Tom groaned.

"I told you not to call me that," Tom said, and Scorpio just stuck his tongue out at him.

"We will be going to the Dursleys tonight, we will torture them and whatever we choose, but keep them alive for the ball," Severus said, and Scorpio stiffened.

"You do not have to come if you don't wish to," Severus told him, pulling him closer.

"No, I will. I want this to be over before the new year," Scorpio said.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Scorpio and his family apparated in front of Number 4 Privet Drive, they walked up to the house and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a Pig of a man.

"What did you want?" The man yelled at them.

Without answering, they pushed their way into the house and walked into the living room, where they found Dudley and Petunia. Scorpio shot a curse at Dudley, making him fall to the ground in pain as his skin turned red. Severus crucio'ed Petunia.

They tortured them with spells and cursed before finally taking them back to the manor and putting them in the basement, along with the polyjuice Harry Potter.

"You did well tonight, love," Tom said, as he peeled off his bloody death eater garb.

"Thanks. I'm going to take a shower and go spend time with Draco. We haven't spent much time together lately," Scorpio answered, going into the bathroom.

Severus was already in the shower so Scorpio just got in with him. He jumped slightly when Scorpio wrapped his arms around him. "Hello, my Prince," Scorpio said as he ran his hands down his front and grabbed his half-hard dick, causing him to gasp.

"How about I help you get clean," Scorpio whispered in his ear before licking his mating mark as the other man gasped.

He wrapped his other hand around Severus's stomach and gasped, quickly releasing him. " something wrong?" Severus asked self consciously looking down at himself, as Scorpio just stood there staring at him.

"Yeah...we gotta get out," Scorpio said, taking his hand and pulling him out of the shower and out to the bedroom.

"Scorpio, what's wrong?" Tom asked, as their small mate pulled the potion master over.

Without saying anything he grabbed Tom's hand and placed it on Severus's stomach, causing the other man to gasp.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Severus snapped, feeling uncomfortable.

"Sorry, my prince. It's just have another magical source inside you...which could only mean one thing," Scorpio said.

"" Severus asked, placing his own hand on his stomach.

"A baby," Tom confirmed. Severus rushed past them to the bedside table and pulled out a white potion. He shook it gently in front of his stomach, and the color changed to purple.

"What's that?" Scorpio asked, confused.

"I... it...a..pregnancy potion, when you shake it in front of your stomach, if it turns purple, then you're pregnant...I'm pregnant," Severus told him, and both mates engulfed him in a hug.

Scorpio pulled away with tears in his eyes. "Are you not happy?" Severus asked, hesitantly.

"No, I'm elated," Scorpio said. "I finally get the family I want," Giving Severus a toe-curling kiss.

"I have to go tell Draco," Scorpio exclaimed, running towards the door.

"Scorpio," Tom called after him, making him pause before opening the door.

"Yes?" The blond answered.

"Are you forgetting something?" He asked and Scorpio looked at him confused and shook his head.

"Clothes," Tom said, motioning toward his still-naked body; Scorpio blushed before conjuring up some clothes and running out of the room.

He found his parents and Draco sitting in the Garden. "I'm going to be a dad!" Scorpio yelled, out scaring them.

"What?" Draco asked from where he was sitting next to William.

"Severus is pregnant," Scorpio exclaimed and His family attacked him with hugs.

"Congratulations," they told him.


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Word count: 750

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 6 pm

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