Chapter Three

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500 galleons a month to Ron Weasley Family from the Potter vault

800 galleons a month to Authur Weasley Family from the Potter vault

800 galleons a month to Molly Weasley Family from the Potter vault

500 galleons a month to Ginny Weasley Family from the Potter vault

1500 galleons a month to Albus Dumbledore from the Potter vault

700 galleons a month to the Dursley Family from the Potter vault

500 galleons a month to Hermione Granger from the Potter Vault'

They were stealing from him, too? Harry didn't know if he should be surprised or mad at the fact. Maybe both?

"Can the money be returned?" He asked, his voice low and his hand tightened on the parchment.

"Yes, we will take immediate action to rectify the problem and they will be charged the highest interest the bank has," Ragnook assured him.

"Very good; while we are on the topic, I would like to withdraw some money," Harry said. Folding all three parchments carefully and putting them in his pocket.

"You have two options for that: you can get a bag and take some out now, or you can get the card; it will give you access to your money both in the wizarding world and in the muggle world," Ragnook told him. He decided to get the card, and a few minutes later, he was walking out of Gringotts.

(Name change for Harry)

He walked down the streets of Diagon Alley drawing a lot of attention to himself with his looks. He had decided to get some new clothes and some books, but first, he needed a new trunk and a new wand.

He came to a store named 'Bert's Trunks' and went in. "Hello, welcome to Bert's Trunks, how can I help you?" The man behind the counter asked.

"I need a trunk that can hold my books, clothes, and school supplies," Scorpio said, and the man nodded.

"I think I have just the one," he said. He went into the back and emerged with a black leather trunk with green stones on the cover.

"This one has compartments," He said, opening the chest. "The first is just like a regular trunk you can put whatever you want. The second is a library, which can hold as many books as you want, and the paper on top of the trunk is so you can write down which book you want so when you open the trunk it's the first one you see. The third is a closet for your clothes and the fourth is an apartment. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a dining room. You can design it however you want, it comes furnished and ready to use. All you have to do is set a password. It is also charmed, so it can't be moved while you're inside, and no one can enter besides you unless you grant them permission. The trunk reacts to your magic once the password is set," The man explained to him.

"I'll take it. Can I have it personalized?" Scorpio asked, and the man nodded. Scorpio explained what he wanted and was told to come back in thirty minutes. Scorpio decided to go to the wand shop.


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Word count: 526

Re-published:  May 4, 2024, 5 am

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