Chapter Twenty-Two

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Scorpio sat in the library reading a book about Dragons. He wanted to know more about his creature and if there was any way for him to find his father. His dad was becoming sadder the longer it took him to find his mate, and Scorpio was worried.

He was in one of the far corners of the library, almost hidden from view. When he heard voices coming towards him, he stood and made his way to one of the dark corners.

He saw Ginny come around the corner, with Hermione behind him. "Where is he? I saw him come in here," Ginny said to Hermione, frowning.

"He may have left when we were checking the other sections," Hermione said. They looked in the corner where Scorpio was standing but looked right past him.

"Come on, let's go. We have to find him. Dumbledore wants us to get him back to our side before the plan moves forward," Ginny says, and they walk off.

Scorpio sighed and shook his head. Ginny had recently become clingier than ever, and no amount of yelling had deterred her.

He quickly checked out his book. It was almost lunchtime, and he was hungry.

He had just exited the library and began walking. Turning the corner, he paused at the sight in front of him.

"And what you think you are doing?" He asked.

In front of him, Ginny, and Hermione were pointing their wands at Draco while Ron had him up on the wall.

"Mate, you came just in time we were about to give Malfoy a lesson," Ron said, smirking.

Scorpio marched over to them roughly pushing the two mingers out of his way. He grabbed Ron's shoulder and squeezed hard.

"Release Draco, Ronald," He gritted out.

Ron winced at the pain in his shoulder but dropped Draco. "Leave Draco alone, Weasley. He has done nothing to you, and I will not take you treating the people I love in such a manner lightly," Scorpio said.

"Love? Malfoy? Harry doesn't say such ridiculous things," Ginny pipes up, finally pulling herself up from the ground.

"The only ridiculous thing here is your face," Scorpio retorted, and Ginny gasped.

Scorpio shoves Ron into the wall before letting him go and moving to Draco. "Are you okay, baby Dragon?" he asks, checking him over.

"I'm fine, they didn't do anything," Draco told him. Scorpio nodded, casting one last glare over his shoulder. He grabbed his brother's hand and led him down the hall.

"Come on, we are going to have lunch with my prince," Scorpio said, leading them to the dungeon.


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Word count: 418

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 2:30 pm

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