Part Seventeen

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Tom looked up as Scorpio entered his office, he could feel the various emotions coming off his little mate.

"Scorpio, what's wrong?" He asked, getting up and walking to his mate.

"What spell did Bellatrix shoot Sirius with?" Scorpio asked, making him freeze in his movements.

"What?" He asked,

"At the ministry what spell did she shoot at Sirius?" Scorpio asked again, this time sterner.

"I..." The door opened, and Severus walked in, and Tom sighed in relief.

"Scorpio..." Severus began but was cut off.

"Did you know that Sirius is alive?" Scorpio asked him, and the man's eyes briefly flicked to Tom before looking back at the Malfoy in front of him.

I..well....we...yes," Severus stuttered out.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Scorpio asked, sitting on a chair in front of Tom's desk.

"I couldn't, I was bound to secrecy by the Oath to join the Order," Severus told him.

"And it didn't come up after you came here, I would have told you. I know because Severus let me see his memories. The spell Bellatrix used was one that temporarily stops your heart and paralyzes you for a period of time; once your heart restarts, you might lose your memories. That's what happened with Sirius. Severus has made the potions to help him regain his memories and mobility. But we have to get him back before we give it to him. It takes a few days to work, and at the time, the person will be vulnerable, so leaving him at the headquarters is out of the question," Tom told him.

"You are planning to help him?" Scorpio asked, confused.

"Yeah, Sirius and Remus were on our side for a while before the ministry. He discovered some of Albus's manipulations. He couldn't tell us much because of the oath. Though he and Severus still never got along," Tom informed him. He transfigured the seat Scorpio was on to a couch and pulled Severus down onto it, so he was sitting down beside him with Scorpio on the other side. They cuddled for a while before Scorpio spoke again.

"Dumbledore wants to send me back to the Dursleys for Yule," He whispered.

"That's the muggle family you stayed with? You never talk about them," Severus said.

"There is nothing to talk about, Uncle Vernon is a monster, and Aunt Petunia is a bitch," Scorpio said, and Severus shot up from his place and cuddled into Tom's side.

"Petunia? Lily's sister, Petunia?" He asked incredulously, and Scorpio nodded.

"That asshole, how could he? He knows how jealous she is of Lily. Merlin knows the horrible things they did to you. What was he..." Severus ranted but paused when he saw the look on his mate's face. "What did they do to you?" He asked desperately.

Scorpio, knowing he couldn't keep it a secret any longer, sighed. "It would be best if I gave you the memories and you could view them, but you need to get Dad and Draco here so they can see it, too," he said.

A few minutes later everyone was gathered and ready. Tom had gotten a Pensive and placed it in front of his desk. Scorpio took the memories from his time at the Dursleys and placed them in the pensive before sitting down on the couch as the others viewed them.

They were in the pensive for almost three hours before they pulled out. Draco collapsed to the floor in tears and Lucius stumbled over to him, gathering him in his arms and hugging him.

"My baby," Lucius sobbed, pulling Scorpio into his lap.

" can't go back there," Severus gasped out.

"We need to get rid of those wretched humans," Tom seethed.

By then all of them were on the couch cuddling around Scorpio.

"We need the plan to get rid of them," Draco said, still sniffling on Scorpio's lap.

"I have a plan if you want to hear it," Scorpio said, and they all turned their attention to him.

"Let's hear it,"


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Word count: 641

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 12 pm

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