Chapter Eleven

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"So Harry, why are you here?" Tom asked once they were all in the office and seated. Scorpio looked over at Draco who nodded encouragingly.

"My name is not Harry Potter," He said, looking at Lucius.

"What do you mean your name is not Harry Potter?" Tom asked, confusion clear in his voice, but Scorpio never took his eyes off his Father, whose face showed his confusion also, but he said nothing.

"Exactly, what I said," Scorpio replied.

"Care to explain yourself, Potter?" Severus asked, and Scorpio's eyes flickered to him before turning back to his father, who was now looking at him expectantly.

"Let me tell you a story. Once, there was a baby; he was a happy baby. He had a wonderful family, two dads that I supposed loved him very much. But someone was angry with them and didn't want them to be happy. They took the baby, gave it away, and forced the poor baby to be someone it wasn't. They took the baby's only chance of having a happy family and growing up loved. The child grew up trusting the wrong people and loving the wrong ones too. The baby grew up and found out how the people he loved and trusted betrayed him. He found out a lot of things they did. He also found out his name," Harry said, his voice low as he spoke of the ones who betrayed him.

"And was his name?" Tom asked, his voice curious and a little impatient.

"Why don't you tell them, Father?" He said and watched as confused, then realization dawned on Lucius's face.

"Scorpio William Malfoy," His father whispered. Scorpio smiled before dropping his glamor, and everyone in the room beside Draco gasped.

He was suddenly pulled to his feet and strong arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. "I missed you so much, I always felt there was something missing but I never knew what, and then this summer I suddenly regained my memories of you and I knew what was missing. I talked to your mother about you and she said you died, but I just couldn't believe it," Lucius said, pulling away to get a good look at his son.

"That woman is not my mother," Scorpio snarled, dragon eyes narrowing, and flashing a fiery orange.

"What do you mean? She loves you," His father said, frowning at him.

"No, my mother is you," he replied, pulling the letter from Lily out of his pocket along with the other papers he had received at Gringotts.

"Do you just walk around with that in your pocket?" Draco asked, and Scorpio just stuck his tongue out at him.

Lucius took the papers and read them before stumbling over to his chair and sitting down. He passed the paper to Tom, who had his arms outstretched.

"William Cullen? The Dragon that you were hanging around with back then?" Severus asked after he, too, read the papers.

"I don't remember him or any of our time together. How could she do this to me?" Lucius asked, his voice full of hurt and betrayal.

"I think it has something to do with the love potions and spells she has put you under. The strongest love potion lasted six months, so she had to give you two per year before Draco was born and continued after. Erasing any other love you had romantically for anyone else. She has also probably used some spells on you to make you forget or laid her image over the moments you had with my father," Scorpio explained, and the others nodded.

They talked for hours, explaining things, and catching up. It was close to midnight when Scorpio let out a yawn and leaned heavily on Draco, making the youngest Malfoy chuckle.

"It is getting late, we should rest. You can all stay here this weekend while we plan our move against Narcissa and Albus," Tom said, standing to his feet and pulling Severus with him. Scorpio scanned them with his eyes before blushing and looking away when he noticed they were looking at him.

Lucius and Draco stood and headed to the door, they had stayed here before and had their own rooms in the manor, with him following close behind.

"Scorpio," Snape's voice called him. Making him stop in his tracks and take a deep breath before turning to face his mates.

"Hi," he whispered when he saw how close they were to him.


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Word count: 723

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 9 am

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