Chapter Thirty

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The next day, Scorpio woke up cuddled into Tom's side. He sat up and stretched his muscles, groaning. He looked around the room for his other mate but could not find him. Scorpio could tell he was okay through their bond and wasn't in any danger; he was actually happy, so Scorpio relaxed.

He moved to climb out of bed but a firm grip on his waist stopped him. "Where are you going?" Tom mumbled, pulling him back into his chest.

"I'm going to take a shower, and get some breakfast," Scorpio said, turning to kiss him.

Tom turned him over so he was lying on his back and started kissing his neck; Scorpio moaned and arched into his. Tom reached his hand down and tweaked one of his nipples causing him to gasp.

The door to the room burst open. "Guys, I did it," the person said. Then a light squeal was heard, and they pulled apart to look at Severus, who was blushing bright red and looking away from them. "Sorry, I...I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll um...come back," he said, turning around to leave.

Chuckling Tom got off the bed and quickly moved to Severus, grabbing his arms and pulling him to the bed. "Morning, my prince," Scorpio said kissing him on the cheek.

"Mo..morning Scorp," Severus said blushing still on his cheeks, still not looking up at him.

"You'd think after the sex we have, you would not be so shy," Scorpio said, and Severus blushed.

"What did you do, love?" Tom asked and Severus just looked at him, his eyes flicking between his eyes and his exposed chest.

"What?" Severus asked

"You burst in here saying you did it," Tom said, stepping closer.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Severus said and pulled something out of his pocket. "I finished the position for Sirius, did some research, and found one that would reverse the effects in less than two hours, but the victim has to be placed in a medical coma until the potion finishes working because otherwise, they would be in too much pain," Severus explained, and the other two smiled at him. "What?" he asked.

"You're just so smart," Scorpio praised and Severus preened under the praises.

"Wait, you were in your lab?" Tom asked and Severus nodded.

"You know," Tom began, "you are going to have to give up your potion-making, for now, right?"

"I know, I just wanted to finish this," Severus said, handing the potion to Scorpio, "I can't go to the Headquarters but you can, in your Harry Potter glamor,"

Scorpio looked at him thoughtfully. "I will go after breakfast." He placed the potion on the table and summoned a house elf to fetch them breakfast.

They ate, and Scorpio showered and got ready to leave. "I will go to 12 Grimmauld Place, get Sirius and Remus, and bring them back here," Scorpio said, and Severus looked at him, shocked.

"You didn't take the oath," He said and Scorpio was confused.

"Dumbledore made all the order members take an oath; you couldn't say where headquarters is in the presence of others," Severus explained, and Scorpio frowned.

"I guess Dumbledore never thought that I would leave the Order, so he never made me take one. Thought I'd always be his little puppet," Scorpio snarled, putting a port key in his pocket.

"Be careful, we love you," Tom said, kissing his forehead.

"I love you guys too," He replied, kissing Tom then Severus, then apparated away.

Apparted outside of 12 Grimmauld Place. He slowly made his way inside being as silent as possible. He entered the parlor and paused at the sound of voices.

"We went to Harry's house. No one was there; they probably took that prat on vacation," He heard Molly's voice say.

"They should be beating that boy into submission, not taking him out to enjoy his time," Dumbledore's voice yelled.

Scorpio held back the urge to growl. He peeked around the corner and saw Dumbledor, Author, Molly, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione sitting there.

He quickly and silently climbed up the stairs and made his way down the hall. He used his magic, sending it about to help him locate Remus and Sirius. He followed it to the library.

He slowly opened the door and saw Remus and Sirius sitting on the couch cuddling. He made his way inside and Remus looked up at him before his eyes widened. "Harry," He said, getting up and coming over to hug him.

"I'm here to get you out of here," Scorpio said, going over to where Sirius sat looking at him curiously.

"Hey, Siri," He said

"Who are you?"


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Word count: 745

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 6:30 pm

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