Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It was just after dinner at the barrow and three blood traitors and a mudblood were sitting at the table, waiting for the last members of their group to arrive. A crack was heard altering them to one of the members of the group arriving.

The door opened, and the sound of footsteps came in. "Albus," Molly greeted as the man came in, wearing a floral blue robe.

"Good night everyone," Albus said, sitting down at the head of the table.

"Evening Headmaster," The others answered.

"So what's the report on Harry?" Albus asked.

"He's been ignoring us ever since he got back to school. He has been smiling at Draco when he thinks we aren't watching," Hermoine informed him.

"He also hasn't been to the tower. He came at the beginning of the year but stopped. I tried to corner him, but he would always disappear before I could. I think the spells are wearing off, and he's sneaking off to meet someone," Ron pitched in.

"He is, Ron. Remember he was wearing a consort ring. It was a symbol I didn't recognize, though," Hermione pitched in, and Ginny Screamed.

"WHAT? NO!!! HE CAN'T BE ENGAGED HE'S SUPPOSED TO MARRY ME!!!! I'M GOING TO BE THE NEXT LADY POTTER!!" She screeched, and Molly rushed to her, hugging her, trying to console her daughter.

"Don't worry dear, you will be. Albus, what are you going to do?" Molly asked.

"Don't worry my dear," Albus said, "Harry is back with the Dursley; they will beat him back into submission. Then, when he gets back to Hogwarts, his dear friends will be there to comfort him, and then he will be back under my thumb. I have Remus and Sirius coming next year to keep an eye on him. Sirius is still a bit off from the spell Bellatrix aimed at him, but we can still make this work," Dumbledore explained. And the table nodded in agreement.

"That's Good, and then we can get him to go to the goblins and get our money back, too. I need to buy a new dress and some shoes," Ginny said, running her hand over her dress.

"Yes, I will have to start making the potions tomorrow after you return for the new year," Molly said thoughtfully.

"You will need to make them stronger this time. It seems he is able to fight them off. We have laced all his food with potions, and he hasn't shown any side effects," Dumbledore said.

Just then Arthur rushed out of the floo holding the day's paper in hand.

"Professor, you're here. You have to see this," he panted out and placed the paper on the table. Molly picked it up and gasped when she saw the headline.

'A Malfoy Snape Riddle wedding,'

It was written at the top in big, bold letters.

"What? Did Tom get Married? To whom?" Albus asked furiously, grabbing the paper from Molly.

'It was a beautiful day at Riddle Manor, guests gathered in the garden to celebrate the union of Scorpio Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Tom Riddle. The ceremony was beautiful, there wasn't a dry eye in sight. And the reception was even more spectacular, it seems that Lucius Malfoy had found his mate before Narcissa, and they were reunited at the reception. The love was clear between the three and everyone in attendance could see it. What more of a wedding present could the lovely threesome ask for than the love of each other?'

He read out loud, "How dare they? How dare Severus get married to that man? And a Malfoy?" He yelled his magic crackling in the air.

"Scorpio Malfoy? I never heard of him?" Ron asked.

"A Yule wedding, how wonderful. Harry and I shall get married on Yule to make it even more special," She sighed.

"Oh, Ginny, that would be wonderful," Her mom praised her.

"I know; that way, we will have the blessings of the spirits with us," Ginny said happily.

"I must be going now," the old goat said, exiting the house. Just then an owl flew through the window.

Molly stood and made her way to the owl before taking the envelope from its leg and reading it.

'Dear Weasley family,

You are all invited to one of the most prestigious and extravagant pure blood balls of the year, you are welcome to bring a guess if you do, please. The theme of the ball is green and white.

This letter will act as a port key to the ball and will only be activated an hour before the ball's time. You just need to say the word LOVE, and it will take you there. If you wish to attend, the owl will wait for a response, so you may give it a letter with how many are coming.



Molly read the letter out loud, and Ginny squealed, "Oh, I always wanted to be invited to one of those fancy Christmas balls." She sighed.

"It must be that one that Mr. Fudge goes to every year, he said he would try to get us an invite this year," Arthur said.

"We can go shopping for dresses tomorrow, we only have five days before then," Hermione said, just as excited.

Molly quickly grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote out a reply for herself, Arthur, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione before handing it back to the owl, which hooted before flying off.


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Word count: 874

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 5:30 pm

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