Chapter Twenty-One

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Scorpio looked down at the ring on his finger. They had agreed to wear each other's rings, Severus wearing the Malfoy bonding ring and Slytherin consort ring, Tom wearing the Malfoy consort ring and Prince bonding ring, and Scorpio wearing the Slytherin bonding ring and Prince consort ring.

Ever since they had proposed Severus had been in a better mood than ever. He was always smiling, and Scorpio found it funny. The students were wary of the smiling potion master now more than ever.

Scorpio watched as the last class for the day emptied out before locking the door and putting up a blocking and silencing charm in parseltongue.

He walked over to where Severus sat behind his desk, marking papers. He walked around the desk and draped himself over Severus. "How was your day?" He asked, pressing a kiss to his mate's forehead.

"It was good; a Ravenclaw blew up a cauldron, and I was a few seconds away from hexing the bushy hair know-it-all," Severus said with a sigh.

Scorpio chuckled and pulled Severus to his feet. "I know how to make it better," Scorpio said and Severus raised a brow.

"How about we go to dinner, then we come back down, and I prepare a relaxing bath for you, and Tom will be here when we get back too. So he can join us," Scorpio told him, and Severus smiled, "That sounds lovely; let's go," He said, and they made their way to the Great Hall.

They split up at the entrance to the Great Hall, and Scorpio entered first. He glanced at Draco, giving him a quick smile, before heading to sit in the only available seat. Unfortunately, it was beside the Know-it-all and the blood traitor.

"Harry, mate. Where have you been?" Ron asked, his mouth filled with food, even after Scorpio had told them off in the hallway, they had still tried to get him back into their group.

"Ronald, close your mouth," Hermione said before turning to Scorpio. "Harry, where have you been? We were looking for you all week, are you still avoiding us?" She asked, in a mightier-than-thou voice.

"My whereabouts, Granger, are none of your concern. I have said this before," Scorpio said, reaching for his pumpkin juice.

Hermione gasped, and Scorpio raised a brow at her. "Is that a consort ring?" She asked, incredulously and Scorpio just smirked at her.

She reached out her hand to grab him but he snatched his hand away. "I would advise you, Miss Granger, to keep your hands off me," He snarled and Hermione quickly retracted her hand.

"Mate, you're getting married? To whom? You didn't tell us you were seeing anyone? Plus you're supposed to be marrying Ginny?" Ron Ranted, still stuffing his face.

"Who I date or marry is my business. And what on earth made you think that I would marry your clingy annoying sister? I have said before I am gay, and will never have anything to do with her, I have said this before," Scorpio asked, his anger was rising and he had to close his eyes as he felt them changing.

"Mr. Potter, please follow me." He heard his mate's voice behind him and quickly got up. They exited the Hall together.

"Are you OK?" Draco asked, as soon as he exited the hall, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm fine; they just get on my nerves thinking I have to report them; they always try to trap me at meals, leaving the only available seat between them," Scorpio groaned.

"It will all be over soon. We will get rid of them soon and that old goat soon enough," Draco reassured softly before heading back into the hall.

Severus led him back down to his quarters and whispered the password. When they entered, they found Tom sitting on the couch reading.

"Hello, my lovelies." He said, not looking up. Scorpio huffed before heading into the bathroom, while Severus sat on the couch with Tom. "Is he OK?" Tom asked, looking at the bathroom where Scorpio disappeared.

"Just Dumbledore's followers still pestering him," He said as Scorpio came back from the bathroom.

"They think I report to them, that they should know my every move. And apparently, they thought I was going to marry the redhead girl," Scorpio said, offering Severus his hand. "Your bath is ready," He said, pulling him to his feet and leading him to the bathroom.

"Have they tried to put more potions on you?" Tom asked following them.

"They have, almost every time I eat there. I have been avoiding everyone. I stay here during the nights and eat my meals, either here or in R.O.R., and I spend most of my time with Draco or Luna," Scorpio told him, as he slowly undressed Severus, who was blushing and helped him into the water. Before getting himself and Tom undressed, and getting in the tub, wandlessly cast a charm to keep the water warm.


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Word count: 807

Re-published: May 4, 2014, 2 pm

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