Chapter Twenty-Five

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Scorpio woke up the morning of his wedding to an excited baby dragon bouncing on his bed. "Wake up, big brother. It's your wedding day," Draco yelled excitedly, and Scorpio chuckled. He could swear Draco was more excited about his wedding than he was.

"Come on, you have two hours. You have to eat, shower, and get dressed," Draco said, pulling Scorpio into a sitting position before placing a tray of food on his lap. "Eat," he commanded before going to the closet and pulling out Scorpio's wedding robes.

The three mates had agreed to wear matching robes, all a different shade of green with a bit of red on Tom's, black on Severus', and gold on Scorpio's.

Scorpio finished eating, got out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. He filled the bath with water and poured in some lavender-scented bath soap before climbing in. He washed his hair with cherry-scented shampoo before cleaning himself and getting out. He dried himself, wrapped the towel around his waist, and exited.

As he exited the bathroom, he was immediately pulled by the arm. He was handed underwear which he quickly put on before using the towel to dry his hair.

His dad sat him in a chair and started doing his hair. He gave it a slight curl and let it fall just below his shoulders.

"Um, Scorp, I was wondering if you would wear some light makeup?" Lucius asked, and Scorpio frowned.

"But, I...I don't know," He replied.

"How about we try it, and if you don't like it, we can clean it off," Lucius suggests, and Scorpio agrees.

His dad did his makeup, and then Draco dressed him. He looked into the water and gasped—he looked amazing. The eyeliner he was wearing wasn't obvious, but it made his eyes pop.

"As your best man and brother, I must say you look awesome," Draco said.

Draco and Lucius got dressed next. Lucius in light blue robes and Draco in a green close to Scorpio.

There was a knock at the door and Draco opened it to reveal two redheads. "Scorpio, your twins are here," He called, letting them in.


"Scorpi," they said, coming over to him and hugging him.

"Fred, George, you made it," He exclaimed happily.

"Of Course, we did..."

"We wouldn't miss..."

"Your wedding," the twins said,

"Thanks, for agreeing to be my groomsman," Scorpio said, pulling away.

"You're our best..."

"Friend, we wouldn't..."

"Say no." The twins replied.

"They're making my head hurt," Lucius commented and the twins and Scorpio laughed.

"We have twenty minutes to get there, let's go," Draco said, pulling a ribbon from his pocket. They each grabbed and ended and Draco said the activation word, and they all disappeared.

They appeared at Riddle Manor, where the wedding would be held in the garden.


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Word count: 446

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 4 pm

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